Friday, October 6, 2017

"in consequence how much the Human race, viewed as a unit, will have risen in rank"

It is very true what you say about the higher races of men, when high enough, replacing & clearing off the lower races. In 500 years how the Anglo-saxon race will have spread & exterminated whole nations; & in consequence how much the Human race, viewed as a unit, will have risen in rank. 

Charles Darwin, letter to Charles Kingsley   February, 6 1862

Oh, that doesn't surprise me, Simels tells variations on that lie with remarkable frequency.   Anyone who has ever read my blog - which means just about none of the idiots at Eschaton who snark about it - knows I never said anything remotely like, "Nazis aren’t anti-Semites. They’re Darwinists."

Unlike Simps and the Eschatots I am aware that people can be both.  Just off the top of my head a list of Darwinists who were anti-Semites would include Karl Pearson, Charles Davenport, Alfred Ploetz (he became an anti-Semite as a result of his Darwinism),  Eugen Fisher,  Konrad Lorenz, James Hervey Johnson, William L. Pierce, Kevin MacDonald, If my memory serves me right, David Irving, though that's from memory I don't have time to do research.  Since Darwinism is practically synonymous with a belief in natural selection and natural selection is the foundation of eugenics, any eugenicist who is also an anti-Semite is, admittedly or not, a Darwinist who is an anti-Semite.

I haven't researched the Darwin corpus for signs of anti-Semitism.  I suspect he, always something of a social climber wouldn't have said anything of the sort after Disraeli became prime minister, or maybe it wasn't done in Darwin-Wedgewood circles.   I do know of one instance of petty anti-Semitism in his correspondence, probably someone saying it today would be forever damned by Simels as an anti-Semite.

I have just balanced my 1⁄2 years accounts and feel exactly as if some one had given me one or two hundred per annum: this last half year, our expenses with some extras has only been 456£, that is excluding the new Garden wall; so that allowing Christmas half year to be about a 100£ more, we are living on about 1000£ per annum: moreover this last year, subtracting extraordinary receipts, has been 1400£ so that we are as rich as Jews. 

This, from the Holocaust Museum site's Encyclopedia, is worth considering, especially in light of Charles Darwin, himself, saying that Spencer's formulation which would become known as "social Darwinism" was exactly what he meant when he said "Natural Selection," somewhat regretting that he'd not used the phrase "Survival of the Fittest" in place of his original name for his theory.   And why, after Darwin published his books On the Origin of Species and, even more so The Descent of Man, that anti-Semitism changed, drastically.  I think that Darwinism both confirmed and furthered the superstitions of post-romantic would-be scientific racism that arose, originally, out of early 19th century linguistic-racial theory in Germany.


With the development during the last quarter of the nineteenth century of technological progress and scientific knowledge, especially about human biology, psychology, genetics, and evolution, some intellectuals and politicians developed a racist perception of Jews. This perception developed within a broader racist view of the world based on notions of "inequality" of "races" and the alleged "superiority" of the "white race" over other "races."

Belief in the superiority of the "white race" was both inspired and reinforced by the contact of European colonist-conquerors with native populations in the Americas, Asia, and Africa, and buttressed as pseudo-science by a perversion of evolutionary theory known as "social Darwinism." "Social Darwinism" postulated that human beings were not one species, but divided into several different "races" that were biologically driven to struggle against one another for living space to ensure their survival. Only those "races" with superior qualities could win this eternal struggle which was carried out by force and warfare. Social Darwinism has always been the product of bogus science: to this day, despite a century and a half of efforts by racists to find it, there is no biological science to support social Darwinist theory.

These new "antisemites," as they called themselves, drew upon older stereotypes to maintain that the Jews behaved the way they did—and would not change—because of innate racial qualities inherited from the dawn of time. Drawing as well upon the pseudoscience of racial eugenics, they argued that the Jews spread their so-called pernicious influence to weaken nations in Central Europe not only by political, economic, and media methods, but also literally by "polluting" so-called pure Aryan blood by intermarriage and sexual relations with non-Jews. They argued that Jewish "racial intermixing," by "contaminating" and weakening the host nations, served as part of a conscious Jewish plan for world domination.

Though secular racists drew upon religious imagery and stereotypes to define hereditary Jewish "behavior," they insisted that alleged Jewish "traits" were handed down from generation to generation. Since "Jews" did not form a religious group, but a "race," the conversion of an individual Jew to Christianity did not change his racial "Jewishness" and was therefore by nature an insincere conversion.

In the late nineteenth century in Germany and Austria, politicians took advantage of both traditional and racist antisemitism to mobilize votes as the electoral franchise widened. In his political writings during the 1920s, Adolf Hitler named two Austrian politicians who most influenced his own approach to politics: Georg von Schönerer (1842–1921), and Karl Lüger (1844–1910). Schönerer brought the racist antisemitic style and content to Austrian politics in the 1880s and 1890s. Lüger was elected mayor of Vienna, Austria, in 1897, not only because of his antisemitic rhetoric, which for him was primarily a political tool, but because of his oratorical skills and populist charisma that permitted him to communicate his message to broad sectors of the population.

I do know that Schönerer was a eugenicist after 1880 and that eugenics is, as mentioned above, inseparable from Darwinism.  I am not anything like a scholar of his putrid life and thinking so I don't know the extent to which he might have made that connection.  And, as I said, eugenics was invented out of the theory of natural selection, that is a hard, historical fact, so that any eugenicist as well as any "social-Darwinist" is a Darwinist.

From that quote at the top of the page, it's obvious that while he might have quibbled with the list of races whose extermination would lead the human species to have "risen in rank" Darwin was essentially not different in his view of salubrious genocide from Hitler, who merely believed it would be the "Anglo Saxon's" near cousins who would do the killing and come out on top.   Darwin said as much on more than one occasion, over the course of many years.  That idea entered into science with him.

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