Saturday, June 11, 2016

Simpy Saturday

I know lots of young men in their 20s who watch Clint Eastwood movies on TV,  but, perhaps I just know more young people than you do in your cocoon of grizzled, groovy geerzerdom in the NYC area.   

And, as it was, I was expressing a desire to know how many of the cops who shoot black people are fans of his movies, especially his cop movies.   I wasn't stating something as a fact, though I suspect more than a few of them might be.  I also know more than a few cops, some of them members of my extended family and I know they watch cop movies and cop shows on TV. I don't, though, know any who have ever shot anyone.    

How you would so confidently know something I merely speculated about would be interesting.  What methodology did you use to come to your conclusions?   I'd ask what statistical methods you used but I suspect you can't form a ratio and get the right number on top.  

I do find it hilarious that you figure guys in their mid 30s through fifties are young'uns.  I know everyone now likes to believe that middle age extends into our age cohort but, let me break the news to you,  Simps, hardly anyone lives to be 140. 

Update:  Simps thinks it's unlikely that an Irish Catholic who is from a family of 10 would know lots of young men.   My 28 year old nephew and his friends, alone probably constitute more young men than Simps knows the names of.  And they watch Clint Eastwood movies.  I've stood in the room as they watched making snarky comments about them as they watched.  And he's only one of my nephews.  I've got many more, the youngest of whom is 18.  And that's not to mention my nieces husbands and boyfriends.  And I know young'uns who aren't blood kin.   I know that someone living in a geezer ghetto might not think it's possible but I live in the real world.  

And if that's true of that age cohort, I'm sure it is even more true of middle-aged cops, so many of whom are the ones shooting black people. 

I love these arguments, they are so revealing of the thinking of urban geezers living in geezer ghettos.  Duncan, let this be a lesson to you, you're fast joining "the olds".  Time doesn't stop for any of us. 

Update 2:  

Typical comment of a straight geezer.  You are so dated, Simps. And so transparently gay phobic. 

Update 3:  And now he rounds it out by accusing me of not knowing any straight people.  That would be because someone who has spent his entire life living in small towns and a couple of small cities, much of it quite rural would never encounter that tiny, rare percentage of the population who are straight.  

That was sarcasm, Simps.  You don't seem to be able to tell, just like you don't seem to get it when I'm pushing your buttons for the gratification of watching you give the entirely predictable response.  

I don't know why he assumes that, perhaps he thinks only straight guys watch Clint Eastwood movies or are cops.  Which only shows how insular he is in his great big life in his great big megalopolis.   There is no body of people more insular and parochial than old guys who spend almost all of their time with other old guys in their little worlds that they carve out for themselves.   I'd bring up the lily white casting of another of his favorites but I'm trying to keep this indulgence down to once or twice a week.  If that.  It's an entirely predictable response so it's not something you can maintain your interest in doing more often than that.   What it shows about conventional thinking is the only thing interesting about it and conventional thought isn't all that interesting,  Shaking it up is, a bit.

Last Update:  Yeah, Simps, you keep telling yourself and the minority of the Eschatots who are still paying attention to you. You are a twit's twit. 

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