Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hate Mail - Continual Failure To Do Anything But Whine

There is nothing difficult about my statement of the problem.  If you believe that our minds are the epiphenomenon of physical structures in our brain, those would have to have been constructed by the brain or they wouldn't be there and there would be no ideas in such a brain.  Now, I can't account for your mind but mine contains a few ideas about things I have no reason to believe are inside my head. Those ideas, the information contained in those ideas had to have entered into my mind before my brain could do the first thing about them, assuming the brain does do something about them, which I haven't conceded.   

The problem that has to be solved is how the information instructing the brain on what it was to build got into the brain before the physical structures that are the basis of them had been made, how did the brain know that it had to make something, what it had to make and how to construct what it was to make.  It would also have the problem of how to decide it had made the right thing because at that point whatever it had made would be the only representation of the idea contained in the brain.  

I don't see how you can do it without negating your materialist mind model.  Tell me how you could.   If you can't then it means your model can't be right. 

Your definition of ideas as physical structures made by the brain are what cause the problem.  If ideas are not physical there are other problems as to what they are but that does nothing to change the problem your claims create for your claims.  I don't have to propose anything else in order to point out the problems you've made for yourself.  I'm under no obligation to present an alternative in order to raise these problems.  That isn't a requirement of logic or reason or science, that it is demanded by atheist-materialists as a requirement only shows that they have to insist on having everything their way in order for their ideology to pass itself off as rational. 

I think what you mean is "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" said like you'd have said it when you were 12. 

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