Friday, November 27, 2015

A Turkey Plummeting - And You Thought Your Schools Left Something To Be Desired

I'm told that I'm being mocked because a piece of total fiction about an alternate outcome to, not only the Second World War but the history of the ten years before that fails to note that the real Nazis were inspired by their understanding of Darwinism and Tacitus.  To which I say it's only proof of the failure of the schools the guy went to that he doesn't understand that fiction written by drug addicted, schizophrenics who don't believe that the world has an independent existence but is the product of our minds - so funny that the atheist sci worshiper is touting the work of someone who doesn't believe in what makes science possible - that such a book isn't history.   I don't know, did they give regents in history in New York in the early 60s? 

But, then, he thought that a totally fictitious screen play by Tom Stoppard, a playwright who proves that there is a down side to a subsidized theater system, a screen play in which everything from the man's name, to the allegation that he could write so much as his name, to his ever being in love with any woman, a play in which every single thing about it was totally made up constitutes biography.  

I'm allergic to historical fiction because too many people who were misinformed that they're smart by getting a college degree don't understand that they're consuming fiction.  And that's not to mention the even worse non-historical fiction in which the names are the same but, literally, nothing in the story ever happened as it did.  Apparently Stupy doesn't even get that much about the situation.  Worse, I'm told there's a TV series about it.  Imagine how confused those without college degrees will be if they watch it.  Only, maybe you've got to go to college to get that stupid. 

Update:  And now Freki-JR, a person who can't open her mouth without a lie coming out, is getting in on the act.  

Other than the Republican-fascist rent a trolls, the biggest presence of bigotry and hate-talk on blogs of the left is from atheists.   They are the KKK level haters that infest our side of the web. 

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