Thursday, May 23, 2024

Semper Idem, Semper Simps

I KNEW SIMPS would go to tired old Dalton Trumbo and the script he wrote for Sparticus.  It's one of the very few very worn tricks he's got in his little bag of them.  Another one is Phil Spector being a murderer.  I can reliably get him to repeat that and several others, too.  Maybe next time I write something I know will set off Simps I should embed a coded prediction into it of which of his predictable moves he'll make will be so I can point that out afterwards.  

The last time he pulled that on me I got the pleasure of pointing out what the old commie said complementing Christianity in the very part Simps tried to goad me with.


  1. I just think it’s so cute that somebody named McCarthy is so nostalgic for the McCarthy Era.😎

    1. Your Post-Literacy Is Showing
      Simps, you simp, what the hell do you think "anti-communists" means? Or didn't they use that term in "Trumbo?" It's not only funny you'd accuse me of nostalgia for that period in a piece where I condemn nostalgia for any past but as the piece also says:
      That's a lot better reason for opposing them than the vulgarity and sleaziness of those who mounted the red-scare campaign and that Hollywood movies tell you the old white-collar commies who scribbled for the movies were some kind of heroes. Since just about every one of them supported Hitler's rival and perhaps record-holder of most People killed, Stalin, as his crimes were being accurately reported, they were no heroes. They were in many cases, the exact moral equivalents of the American Nazis. The old-line anti-communists were really the precursors of today's Trumpian Republican-fascists a few old-line Democratic dupes of that thrown in to that mix. I am very much over the Kennedy mystique, not least of which on the basis of their anti-anti-communism but for other reasons, as well.
      it's even stupid for someone as stupid as you to say that. I'm not nostalgic for that, those who groove on Hollywood movies about that period and endlessly go over the details of those long dead commies and the anti-commies who are the substance of that well used wallow are the ones who feel nostalgia for it. No one has nostalgia for that period but assholes like you who only know what the movies have said about it. I got over that when they opened the records in Moscow and we found out that Julius Rosenberg was, in fact, a spy for Stalin and it's pretty clear that Ethel at least knew what he was doing. I realized I'd been duped by the commies over that just as I realized I'd been misled about the crimes of the whole range of the communists who got power and immediately started doing just what Hitler did with it. When I realized anyone murdered under Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot or any of the others were as murdered as anyone murdered by Hitler, which I realized earlier, my rejection of America's Stalinists started. But, let me let you into a little secret. I DON'T HAVE TO LIKE EITHER THEM OR ROY COHN, THE HOLLYWOOD TEN OR HUAC, I CAN LOATHE THEM ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I reject them all because I favor egalitarian democracy and they all rejected it.
      If this were ten years ago I'd suggest you go through one of those old SRA reading kits, again, but you're probably adding senility on to the stupidity you chose in your media-filled adolescence.

  2. "I realized I'd been duped by the commies over that just as I realized I'd been misled about the crimes of the whole range of the communists who got power and immediately started doing just what Hitler did with it."

    Wow -- you sound like a sensitive 15-year-old who just realized that all adults were lying to him.

  3. Oh good grief.

    For starters, here's a clue, you pathologically obtuse piece of shit -- it is almost always a bad idea to judge the brave men and women of an earlier time by the standards of our own. Got it?

    That I even have to point that out to you is profoundly depressing, but I'll just add this -- the 40s and early 50s Commie artists/Hollywood types you're so upset about (almost all of them Jews, BTW, which is not a coincidence, I need to point out to nobody) who were absolutely right by the standards of their time and guilty of nothing more evil than writing and directing movies you don't like, were absolutely NOT the moral equivalent of Stalin or Mao.

    However, the rightwingers, like Roy Cohn and your Senatorial namesake, who got them locked up and blacklisted (which you apparently approve of) WERE in fact real Nazis.

    The fact that you profess not to understand this is why you are considered by all who walk upright to be, in Mel Brooks' immortal phrase, the leading asshole in the West.

    1. Stupy, I didn't say the white-collar commies of Hollywood were the equivalents of Stalin and Mao, I SAID THEY WERE THE MORAL EQUIVALENT OF THE AMERICAN SUPPORTERS OF NAZISM AND FASCISM. You have the typical habit of lying about what people say because you can't answer what they say. Which is very typical of apologists for the morally appalling.

      Plenty of the anti-communists were Jews, Trumbo bragged in the Daily Worker that the commies of Hollywood had prevented a movie of Darkness At Noon, Arthur Koestler was Jewish, We went through that when you were pretending that anti-semitism was the primary motive of Joe McCarthy when he was the one who hired Roy Cohn and his boyfriend OVER ROBERT KENNEDY WHO WAS TRYING TO GET HIS DADDY TO GET HIM THE JOB. I had to point out that virtually everyone involved in the Rosenberg trial except that drunken, backstabbing bitch Elizabeth Bentley was Jewish, including the prosecutors and the judge and the witnesses. I could go on (as anyone who might want to read that at "Crush Seth MacFralane's Nuts" on the sidebar, Simps and I had a lot of brawls over there and I wiped the floor with him every time).

      I wonder if Mel Brooks would care to be associated with you, I'm guessing not if he knew you.

  4. So so you DO think it's a fine idea to judge the brave men and women of an earlier time by the standards of our own. Got it.

    Why am I not surprised?

    1. You do realize as they were supporting and making excuses for the mass murders and pogroms and murdering of writers, poets and artists and scientists, . . . by Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini and the Japan Imperial military dictatorship were doing the same thing, in the case of Mussolini and Hitler with the support of American quislings who you would certainly judge in the same time period when I do, as well. I don't make a distinction between mass murderers and their supporters and apologists I've been told I'm supposed to consider martyrs for the First Amendment and those who no one (at least till the rise of Trumpism) would have had supporters among Americans. You know your position reminds me exactly of the one that I've pointed out Robert Taft took, that the criminals against humanity tried at Nuremberg couldn't be held to be guilty of those crimes because the Nazi government had legalized what they were doing in those places under Nazi occupation and in Germany, as well. I'd love to hear you untie all those knots but I know from long experience that you won't deal with them. Maybe it's due to my taking morality seriously that I figure I don't get to not deal with them. That's the difference between atheism and real Christianity, I suppose.

  5. Here’s another clue, assface — Nazis don’t have free speech rights. We already heard all they had to say, and then we executed them for crimes against humanity.😎

    1. Stupy, I'M THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU THAT IN 2006. You were still holding the bull shit ACLU line on that along with the rest of the eejits of Eschaton. I wrote one of my first blog posts on that topic, I Won't Be Fair To Fascists, I Won't Be Nice To Nazis. Only I'm consistent and think that Stalinists and Maoists and apoligists for all stripe of murderous despots fall into that category.
