Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Arthur Miller - Juarez: Thunder From The Mountains

 Thunder From The Mountains 

In 1867 on June 19th as the light of dawn broke over the peak of mount Popocatépetl death by rifle fire was administered to Ferdinand Maximilian last emperor of Mexico. With it came liberty to a nation. More than any other, one man was responsible. He was Benito Juárez and it is his ever glorious story told here.

Having been going through nostalgia for playwrights of you youth,  I've gotten to Arthur Miller.   Instead of looking for radio versions of his most famous plays I've been looking for the ones he actually wrote for radio.   I'm not a huge fan of the "golden age of radio" production style or the acting style but I know a lot of people like it.   Orson Welles has the title role.   

I'd like to hear a more updated production of it.  The hokey music doesn't add much to it except distraction.   

Update:  Here's another one

Mayer Island And Back 


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