Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Eat Dessert First

THE POST I DID the other day challenging the ideological "scientist"  Robert Sapolsky and the LA Times to come up with a materialist-scientistic exposition that ended up supporting equality, democracy or something like human rights?   Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed it's a bit problematic for those and other such experienced, and therefor knowable entities in human life, society and governments. 

I generally listen to Keith Olbermann's podcast on Youtube every chance I can get, downloading things to listen to later.  I used to save it for the last thing I'd listen to  but have been listening to it first.   Even when I don't see eye to eye with him - I'm not a Thurber fan - I enjoy his take on things and the news and think he's actually a pretty good journalistic writer.   He's actually the only person in the world I will listen to sports stories from.

Anyway, he apparently had some trouble with this Sapolsky because he made him one of two recipents as second worst person in the world today.

Those were serious questions.  I think that any such "science" that makes any such democracy obliterating claims should be challenged to answer those very real questions about such enormously important things that their claimed science puts at risk.   I will remind you of something I don't think can be repeated enough.  All Marxist dictatorships claim that the basis of their regimes is scientific,  based in the materialism of Marx which is really no different from the materialism that is the basic ideology of such ideological scientists.  And other of the most criminal anti-democratic regimes have claimed the same basis for their genocidal depravity.   The Nazis certainly did really believe what Rudolph Hess said, "National Socialism is nothing but applied biology."  As I recall Hitler loved to wax on about what was currently the popular understanding of science in his Table Talks,  sounding not that much less stupid than much of what you can hear mainstream biologists saying for a popular audience today.   And I'll also remind you that the most prominent of recent Nazis in America, William Luther Pierce, a credentialed, professional scientist before he went full-time Nazi theorist and propagandist said the same thing in a more up-to-date version.   His true believers are among the most serious terrorists and mass murderers around right now.  If 9-11 hadn't happened one of them, Timothy McVeigh would hold the record for most Americans murdered in a single incident of neo-Nazi terrorism.  He used to peddle Pierce's books which included how-to instructions on inciting genocidal violence.

What these people claim is really dangerous and that really does need to be addressed if egalitarian democracy is to survive anywhere in the future.   And the media that promotes it are as guilty of that undermining as the "scientists" themselves are.

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