Thursday, March 24, 2022

One Of The Worst Among Us

LINDSAY GRAHAM reminds me of John Mortimer's Rumpole Story The Blue Seraphim, specifically the character of Captain Sandy Ransome, the prankster and joker, the theatrical talent of a Brit Army unit that wears ridiculous looking blue plumes in their caps.  He stage manages the Christmas pantomime they put on and also tries to stage manage a murder so as to blame a fictitious gay German man of the murder of a particularly sadistic sergeant because he's afraid one of the Blue Seraphim did it. 

Lindsay Graham has done this before, first during the Alito confirmation hearings, stage managing  Alito's wife, perhaps giving her the cue for her staged fit of tears and similar fleeing of the chamber during his questioning of Alito that made the idiot media forget what a truly putrid judge he was exposed as being during the hearings and, no doubt, ensuring his confirmation to that bench of such dubious justice.

He did it again during the Kavanaugh hearings when Dr. Blasey Ford was being questioned, the Committee had turned the questioning of her over to council and the Republicans hid behind a hireling woman lawyer who was being too reasonable to save their beer guzzling sex criminal.  As Lindsay "Lady G, as he is known to style himself in his hidden life" Graham saw that the woman they hired to do their dirty work wasn't doing it dirty enough for him, he broke in and started dishing the dirt himself.

By now you know I am going to go there, as a gay man I am going to claim my right to, the fact that Lindsay Graham's entire political life has been one of playing roles and lying when it isn't merely self-seeking.  Lying about the fact that in his very LGBTQ hostile state and party,  he has been a barely in the closet gay man who engages in gay sex, something that has been widely known in gay circles for decades.   

There is a type among gay men that I know when I see it, it is someone who turned a necessity of non-disclosure into a practice of deception and lying.  He certainly lied about his sexuality, if not in words than in practice, for his entire military career, going back even before "don't ask don't tell."    Even as he would, no doubt, support the bigoted declaration that the Army needed to expel LGBTQ members and, perhaps, would participate in that practice or at least turn a blind eye to it.   Sometimes the gay man who is passing for straight won't go past a point in his deception and lying, some wouldn't even join in laughing when straight guys make anti-gay comments or even when it was others under the LGBTQ category were the targets.  Some, however, would not only join in the laughter but in spouting the bigotry.  

Lindsay Graham, in his life and career have gone way, way past that point.  He couldn't retain his position in the Republican Party if he hadn't, just as the Republican pedophile Speaker of the House Denny Hastert so clearly did.  As Senator Larry Craig did until he got caught seeking a quickie in a men's room by an undercover cop. It's a party which has had a number of gay men who have lied and deceived and practiced the rankest of duplicity and hypocrisy in a party which is officially and for purposes of politics opposed to equality for LGBTQ people, a party which is hell bent on sending us back to the recent past where discrimination against us was legal in most of the states and all of the federal government.

Lindsay Graham's play acting and pretense goes much farther than Judiciary Committee hearings.  He was doing his dishonest act as he pretended he was a man of some principle, hitching his little wagon to John McCain,  letting everyone know he was his best buddy in the whole, wide world.  Only, once McCain was dead and no longer of any use to him, he hooked it to Donald Trump even as he derided and threw shit on McCain's memory.

Anyone who thinks Lindsay Graham changed, at some point, never really understood what a lying, dishonest, dishonorable discharge he's always been.   He has no morals, he has no moral center, he has nothing but pretense and lies and pantomime.  There is nothing the sleazebag wouldn't do as long as he was sure his voters in South Carolina would keep him in office.  He has never been any better than he is today.

Lindsay Graham's execrable performance in the nomination hearings will get him what he wanted, media attention (he sought it out as soon as he flounced out of the hearing room), it will get him the votes of the racists of his state and those in the Republican Party who are all about money and who have no higher motive in anything they do than their own profit.  He will keep his position in the putrid Republican-fascist party and will, certainly, play this role again, especially when the Republican-fascists hold the majority in the vile Senate again.  

He is a disgrace to gay men, an example of the worst among us, a truly vile and disgusting human being, one of the worst among us in the larger context. 

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