Saturday, July 17, 2021

Stupy Watched A Movie About Klassical Music

I ASSUME HE MEANS the redone Fantasia of 2000, the one that the disgraced James Levine arranged and conducted.  No, never saw it.  It's a kiddie movie.   I don't watch kiddie movies anymore.  Or many other movies.  I preferred to grow up.  Who needs the cartoons when you can listen to the real thing? You say a bunch of the Eschatots upvoted his comment?   Well, there's a reason I call them "tots."  I am not greatly bothered that they don't like me, I don't want their good opinion, it's not worth the price in saying stupid stuff to get it.

James Levine who I took my hat off to as a great conductor is someone who, when I learned what he was really like, not only in his abuse of young musicians and, especially students but, also, with others I put my hat back on a thousand times.  He's dead and gone now.   May his victims find peace.


  1. FANTASIA is a kiddie movie.

    "No, never saw it. It's a kiddie movie."

    And therefore you know it's a kiddie movie didn't see it.

    Seriously -- doesn't it embarrass you to be such an unapologetic douchebag of ignorance?

    1. I saw the original when I was a kid, idiot. I didn't need to see the reworking with the pedo. You're not that far from Trump, you know that, Simp? You both end up the same.

  2. " I saw the original when I was a kid"

    "No, never saw it. It's a kiddie movie."

    One of those statements is clearly not true, and by definition you're a liar.

    And a shameless one.

    1. Well, I could have said it's a movie for kiddies and adults who are stupid and refused to grow up. Only that's just more detailed. I saw the thing, it's a musical atrocity. A little of what Stravinsky said about what they did to his music:

      I saw the film with George Balanchine in a Hollywood studio at Christmas time 1939. I remember someone offering me a score and, when I said I had my own, the someone saying, ‘But it is all changed’. It was indeed…. The order of the pieces had been shuffled, and the most difficult of them eliminated—though this did not save the musical performance, which was execrable. I will say nothing about the visual complement as I do not wish to criticize an unresisting imbecility….

      As they were all dead, I don't think any of the other composers so used expressed their opinion of what Disney and Stowkowski did to their music but it was inexpressibly vulgar and revolting.

    2. Oh, and, as I was talking in the one case about the 2000 James Levine involved one which I didn't see and the original Stokowski involved 1938 version which I SAID I SAW, you DUMBASS, BOTH STATEMENTS ARE TRUE. Jeesh, if you were any stupider and had money someone would convince a court to put you in the same category as that Brittany gal's in. Though in your case, like Trump, it would be hard to tell if you became full out demented because you started one door down from there, anyway.

    3. It's the same movie. Whoever conducted the score makes not a slightest chinchilla of difference. You're a liar and an illiterate.

    4. I keep wondering how stupid you are and you always find something more stupid to say. The soundtrack is not the same, it's not cut in the same way (from what I've read about it an: the 2000 one had music edited and conducted by James Levine (the pedo) instead of Leopold Stokowski (who was more than capable of recording a vulgar performance) etc. It's not the same, You could adore the original and never have seen the 2000 version (maybe you died, choked to death on the cuteness of the elephants dancing to Ponchielli as I recall a point at which I gagged at an early age.

      It's a movie for little kids who aren't old or smart enough to have developed a sense of sarcasm and old ladies who groove on the cute. Which are you?

    5. Since my first answer I fact checked Stupy and found that far from it being "the same movie" it's very, very different from the original, some of those who adored getting glutted on cuteness to sometimes seriously mutilated classical music nevertheless hated Fantasia 2000 (with the pedo). They'd have to pay me to see something with Penn and Teller in it (or so I read). Stupy apparently lied and as I type this, what do you know, the day is dawning. Couldn't see that one coming.

  3. "I don't think any of the other composers so used expressed their opinion of what Disney and Stowkowski did to their music but it was inexpressibly vulgar and revolting. "

    Oh yeah. The performances by the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Stokowski were inexpressibly vulgar and revolting. You have unspeakably non-existent taste. Jeebus H. Christ, you wouldn't know a glorious piece of music making if it bit you on your on your pathetic absolutely feelingless ass.

  4. "Let us close the discussion of the Daphnis and Chloe Second Suite by pointing to the most bizarre performance aberration so far upon this piece. Stokowski, like Bernstein, always felt compelled to rearrange, recompose, reorchestrate and "improve upon" the works he conducted. In his 1970 recording of the Second Suite, Stokowski adds after Ravel's last bar a trashy Hollywood ending a long sustained ff A major chord in the chorus acapella (sic). [Schuller's interjection, not mine.] As the saying goes, "Folks, I don't make these things up, I just repeat what I hear." Hear it for yourself if you don't believe me."
    Gunther Schuiller: The Compleat Conductor p. 493

    And if you think Schuller just didn't like Stokowski, he's always ready to praise his fidelity to the composers' intentions in his classic study of conductors' adherence and departure from the written intentions of the composer in his book. And his performance of new music - though that could be a two-way thing considering what he did to Stravinsky which Disney could trash due to it having been published in Russia and which, because of that, lacked a US copywrite. Disney only paid Stravinsky anything because he wanted to show his "masterpiece" in Europe and elswhere where the work was protected.

    You see "Stokowski" and, or "The Philadelphia" and you figure that's a gold seal that guarantees KLASS with a cap-i-tol "K". You don't have ears for music or eyes for reading a score or a mind to discern such things, your sensory and mental apparatus has been trashed by the world centers of commercial trash, Hollywood and pop muzak.

  5. Bottom line:

    By your own admission, you haven't seen any version of this movie in any of its incarnations.

    I.e., you're pontificating wildly about stuff you know nothing about.

    Shut the fuck up, you braying jackass.

    1. As I said in the post I didn't see the one they did in 2000, as I said in the comments I did see the original one when I was a kid. If thought the elephant ballet was cloyingly cute even then and some of the rest of it too. I've always, from the first time I recall seeing him detested Mickey Mouse who I never thought was funny for a second, Max Fleischer ruined me for Disney's second-rate establishment style junk. And I've always been grateful to Max for doing that. I'll bet you like Chip and Dale, think they're cute. The best version of Disney I ever saw was that guy who used Donald Duck to ridicule Glenn Beck and that was hardly what the old Capitalist would have had in mind for his studios creation.

      You didn't know that the 2000 version of it was a different movie, I did and I never saw it, I found that out by reading about it. I doubt I'd like it any better than the original, I'd certainly need paying before I'd sit through anything with Penn and Teller in it. If I have to be exposed to boring, over the hill, under the eye-brows bull shit I prefer to do it through text, as I d
