Thursday, June 17, 2021

Hate Mail

WE ARE ALL constantly traveling in time, we all are constantly going into the future.  I'm not skeptical of that at all, what I'm skeptical about is the idea that it is possible to travel into the past.   I think the universe is created to an end and that that end is what we travel into, I don't think we are meant to travel into the past where we would not belong, where we could not survive anymore than a dinosaur evolved to live in an atmosphere richer in oxygen could live in one with less oxygen available to sustain it.  We are creatures of our present which moves into our future.   We have no idea what part we will play in a future we will not live in nor could we, one of the stupidest conceits of the utilitarians and other atheists who are always coming up with schemes of deciding who is to be cut out of the future is the idea that they can, scientifically, discern who is not to have a part of that future.  If that is a consequence of the decadence of modernist decadence, gilding that turd with science and math talk or if it is a cover story for wanting to kill people for the old fashioned reasons of wanting to kill them and steal their stuff or prevent them from forcing you to share, which is what I suspect is at the bottom of that, doesn't in any way make that pretense any less stupid than it is.  

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