Sunday, June 13, 2021

Dazu gibt es bis heute keine Alternativ - Before Going Back To The Far Harder Book Of Jeremiah

THE TROUBLE WITH GOING OVER something you've made yourself very familiar with is that it's a temptation to go over it because it's easier than going over new things.  For me, having poured over the primary literature of the utter depravity of Darwinism, from its inception in the political economics of the British class system as formalized by Malthus to the development and popularization of the theory of natural selection, the formal eugenics and scientific racism which was always a feature of it up to and including the eugenics of the Nazis and the still vital force within and outside of science that eugenics is now, including the racism, eugenics and hopes for genocide of neo-Nazis right now,  it is very easy for me to find what I need to to repeat those things which I know are there but which have been successfully suppressed by the post-WWII lie that the theory of natural selection, Darwinism, has an existence that is separable from its roots in Malthus and its full expression in applied science, what Hitler's second in command, Rudolf Hess said Nazism is, something which was repeated by America's most recent figurehead of Nazism, William Pierce.  

What natural selection is, apart from being a rather bad scientific ideology, is the utter and complete refutation of the Jewish holding of justice and the Christian ethic of universal love, what Jurgen Habermas noted was the sole source of nourishment for today's modern, egalitarian democracy.  

Menschenrechten und Demokratie entsprungen sind,
[What] human rights and democracy have sprung from,   

ist unmittelbar ein Erbe der jüdischen Gerechtigkeits
is an unmittigated inheritance from the Jewish doctrine of justice

-und der christlichen Liebesethik.
and the Christian ethic of love.

In der Substanz unverändert,
In unchanged substance

ist dieses Erbe immer wieder kritisch angeeignet und neu interpretiert worden.
this inheritance has been critically adopted, over and over, and newly interpreted.

Dazu gibt es bis heute keine Alternative.
For that [meaning for producing all those things] there is till today no alternative.

I think that post-Marxist atheist got that entirely right, I see little to no evidence of an alternative to that as a political force in any country though, as I have pointed out, other religious traditions, all of those I'm aware of ultimately monotheistic traditions, contain similar doctrines of egalitarian justice and universal love, they do not seem to have become politically influential to the extent that they have in modern democracies, and even in those only in so far as egalitarianism has become a sufficiently strong force to overcome, to any extent, selfishness and inequality of the sort Darwin praised as an engine of progress in that early quote I gave for him last night.

I find it very difficult not to disdain the Episcopal and other churches who have adopted, in total ignorance, I have to conclude, "Darwin Sunday" as a part of their liturgical calendar.  I think they do so because most of them have done what almost all modern, post-WWII people with educations have done, absorbed the lies peddled on Broadway, in Hollywood (that damned movie Inherit the goddamned Wind) and in so much of supposedly educated society which includes the huge lies about Darwin which I've learned are total and complete fabrications.  The fact is natural selection is entirely incompatible with the Jewish religious and ethical tradition, including the Gospel of Jesus, the Epistles of Paul and his other followers.  I will note that the part played in that by the Parson Malthus, a beneficiary of the same British Class system which gave him his living in a particularly degraded period of Anglicanism so perhaps there's that precedent for the current acceptance of neo-Malthusian Darwinism, only I fully believe that the Episcopalians believe not in the real Darwin but in the Hollywood-BBC-PBS-Academic myth who never wrote a book nor became a figure of actual science but is about as real as the Jesus of the neo-fascist capitalist-nationalist-white supremacist Trumpist "white evangelicals."   Those same people who are the kissin' cousins of the neo-Nazis.  It is even more ironic that so many of the members of the Southern Baptist and white quasi-Pentacostalist sects who hate them some Darwin are full believers in his scientific racism, his love of inequality and white supremacy (Darwin was as much a white supremacist of an extreme kind as Hitler was, mitigated slightly by his family tradition of anti-slavery politics).   But, as can be seen in this paragraph, without full information and consideration, it's quite possible for even people of good will to end up turning back and going in a vicious circle rather than facing reality and giving up false idols. 

This past week of going over this has been a distraction from going over Walter Brueggemann's far harder, far more complicated, far more worth while study of the Book of Jeremiah which, as he points out, is as relevant to us, in the failing democracies of the West and elsewhere, as it was when it was first put together.  I'm putting ol' Chuck back on the shelf, though I'm sure I'll have to deal with one of the foremost anti-Christian and so anti-democratic ideologies as powerful as ever in the world with all its malignant consequences.

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