Friday, March 12, 2021

Shouldn't He Be Saying Offensive Things About Women Over There Instead

HA, considering I've mentioned Dr. Seuss about twice in blog posts on this blog, since 2012,  one of which was to mock Ted Cruz reading the beginning of Green Eggs And Ham to say he didn't like a Democratic policy - mocking him for not reading to the end of the book where the guy finds out he actually likes what it took the entire book to get him to try.  Considering that asses home blog is obsessed with the Republican distraction pop-kulcha BS to the extent that's what he and they discuss endlessly and futilely it's kind of rich for him to accuse me of being obsessed with it.  Endlessly discussing pop-kulcha crap of their own obsession, otherwise.    Checking, the other mention here of Dr. S. was making fun of Trump's proposed statue park of "heroes" in which I figured that dear old commie (and not even much of one, I think that poster I saw was a paid job) wrote the only book Trump ever finished in his life. 

Until I finally looked her up I didn't know what the kid named Brittny Spears did, having merely a vague awareness that she probably was a movie-TV "actor" or celebrity or pop-singer, I was merely aware of the name.   I still couldn't tell you I was hearing her if I heard her or seeing her if I saw her picture.  Nor do I care. 

Eschaton is a home for liars, snobs,  immature and  lazy people who obsess on trivia,  a catch drain for white-collar time-wasters of a generally lower mid-brow mind-set.  Apparently all you have to do is point out that Woody has a history of screwing around with women young enough to be his daughter and younger, making movies about it and then trying to get the kid he hired to be in the movies with to go on trips with him without supervision.  That in the discussion she, as a teenager, was the one adult in the room (her parents were as adolescent as Woody, apparently) was quite a revelation of the grotesque immaturity of that milieu to me.  There, that should give him something to piss off the gals over there over. 

In all the fuss over the neutering of potatoes, plastic ones, at that, you wonder why the Republican-fascists and FOX have ignored the unremarked on unisex of Cootie Bugs.  How come they're worked up over plastic potatoes that don't have gender when they ignore the genderfluidity and ambiguity of the plastic bugs. 

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