Tuesday, January 12, 2021

It's Time For Republicans To Make Their Definitive Choice Between Their Fascist Racist Party And Democracy

AS the new Senate even after (Dear God, please may it happen) Democrats are in control of it will not expel the traitorous and faithless Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, et al, it's time to tell the Lisa Murkowskis, the Mitt Romneys, that it is time for them to definitively choose between an overtly treasonous, traitorous Republican party in control of fascists, seditionists and insurrectionists and what they profess to support.

The Republican Party made a devils bargain in the Southern Strategy which predates the Nixon run of 1968, Barry Goldwater's campaign of 1964 was already more than moving in that direction as Jackie Robinson, a Republican delegate to the convention that year, attests in his memoir of that convention. That was a tactic based on the fact that the states of the old Confederacy were in the hands of white supremacists, America's oldest and indigenous form of fascist, quasi-Nazi ideology, so old that it is responsible for the worst parts of the Constitution that still prevent democracy. That crossroads where the Republican Party knelt and sold its soul has been the huge fact denied by the ever more obviously phony "moderates" from states such as Maine, other states which bragged of their allegiance to the Union during the Civil war, many of them previously governed by those who bragged to be members of the Party of Lincoln, the party of the largely legendary Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain,  even well after it had become the party of Strom Thermond, Jesse Helms and Richard Nixon, Donald Trump. That the Republican Party was also the party of many a more Eurocentric fasict element, many of them with either real or merely ideological and emotional ties with various European fascists and Nazis merely points out that there were other devils bargains in the mix. 

Democrats had previously made the same bargain with the devil, as so many of the segregationist, Jim Crow Democratic Parties in the South were in control of Democrats, any Democratic president had to contend with that fact, one which the mainstream of the party started to move away from, certainly during the presidency of FDR and Harry Truman and which was definitively broken by the great and tragic Lyndon Johnson.  Democrats made that break and the Republicans saw it as an opportunity which Johnson knew would mean decades of hard rowing for his party.   

The backlash against the Civil Rights and Voting Rights laws pushed through by Johnson has been in line with what he predicted as he did what was hard and what was right.  If he had not gotten hoodwinked by the Harvard boys into further involvement in the Vietnam war he would eclipse Lincoln as the greatest of American presidents in the field of equality.   That is even as "the party of Lincoln" which had long been in the hands of the financier class had no moral qualms about making common cause with America's indigenous forms of fascism and white supremacy anymore than they'd had problems with doing business with Hitler. 

But now history and time have brought us to the point where it is Republicans in the Senate, some in the House who have to make the same choice that faced Democrats.  Do you stick with Republican-fascists or do you break with them.   I have absolutely no confidence in Susan Collins doing so, having had decades to see her hypocrisy and duplicity.  She'll only do it if she figures it would be good for Susan Collins to do it. Though maybe I'll be proved to be wrong.  I'm always prepared to be pleasantly surprised. 

If they don't choose to leave the Republican Party as it really is on the pretense that they can change it back to how they imagined it to be, the rest of the world will know what they are.  The kind of people who figure they can do business with Hitler.   If Murkowski, Romney, Collins, etc. don't break with their party, we will know how to judge them for all time.

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