Monday, January 11, 2021

"Civl Liberties" As A Danger To Democracy - Exhibit

 "The Supreme Court basically said that what the president said on Wednesday -- as much as I disapprove of it and many people disapprove of it on its merits -- is protected by the First Amendment. It comes within core political speech. And to impeach a president for having exercised his First Amendment rights would be so dangerous to the Constitution."

Alan Dershowitz: Celebrity ambulance chaser, torture advocate, prominent "civil liberties" huckster, product of that factory of seditionists and, now, enablers of insurrection, Harvard Law

For a sitting president of the United States to not only run a months and years long campaign of sedition against the Constitutional system, then to foment insurrection against the Congress as it finished off the dangerously antiquated, baroque dance of our elections system, an attack that killed people, in which Trump's supporters sought out the Vice President to hang and in which people where looking for Nancy Pelosi to murder, in which policemen trying to stop them were viciously attacked and at least one murdered, this The Whore of Harvard Law calls "protected speech" as he, once again volunteers to enable the most dangerous and openly fascist president* that enabled lies as "civil liberties" put in the presidency.

Alan Dershowitz is worse than Rudy Giuliani and Lin Woods, it's his like that made them possible.  He's an exhibit of the intellectual decadence and moral degeneracy that mid-20th century "First Amendment" theory was.  A theory which is destroying democracy.  A lot of 20th century theory of that kind was overtly anti-democratic in that it overtly supported fascism or Marxism and in the 21st century we are seeing that even when that support is not overt and is even denied by the practitioner, it actually does work to support fascism in real life, Marxism having been long relegated to the dust bin.


  1. Dershowitz is an idiot. Whatever grounds Congress chooses for impeachment are not reviewable by the courts. He can declare Trump’s speech “protected” all he wants; doesn’t make it so.

    Same with his “argument” Trump can’t be impeached after Jan 20. He’s not making legal arguments, he’s making speeches for rubes.

  2. I have come to understand the extent to which lawyers like Dershowitz figure that any bullshit "hypotheitical" arguments they make, no matter how tenuously relevant or even entirely irrelevant they are but which some lazy, stupid or dishonest judge may figure it's not worth their time to call bullshit (perhaps for fear of a higher court overturning them) and let the liar-lawyer, the Dershowitz to get away with saying. He literally does have the same regard for truth as Trump does.
    I blame a lot of this on judges and "justices" having no respect for the truth. I haven't thought it out but it reminds me of slime like Sandra Day O'Connor maintaining that even the chance of an innocent person being executed is as of nothing compared to things like the time limit on appeals having run out.
    I couldn't swear to protect and defend the Constitution because I have too many moral objections to parts of it but I'm not asking for public office under it. In no small part my reservations about it as written down is made far worse because of scum like Dershowitz and the judges and "justices" who enable that kind of blatant dishonesty.
