Sunday, December 6, 2020

I'm A Little Tired Of Answering This But Figure Once Every Few Months Won't Kill Me - A Quick After The Power Went Back On Post

 Are you serious when you blame everything on the "secular left"?

I certainly don't blame everything on the secular left, I blame what they're responsible for on them. The theme of my blogging from the start was to concentrate on what the American left did that led it from the heights of its achievements during the Lyndon Johnson years, the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Title Nine, the rest of the Great Society programs to the continual quagmire it has been stuck in ever since, an experience which the secular left never, ever learns a friggin' thing from, they're starting in on tearing down Biden and Harris just as they have torn down every other Democrat who has managed to win the presidency as the heroes of the secular left never have, not even on those few times they have gotten the nomination. Or, rather, the one time it did, the great George McGovern who was smart enough to recognize that his candidacy was a total disaster.

Easily most of what has happened in this country is a result of corporate fascists, oligarchs, getting power and destroying American democracy using its old and most effective tools, racism, lies, envy, ignorance, greed, fear and paranoia, taking advantage of the regional, class, ethnic and religious variations on that through the mass media and Hollywood. And the secular left has been its bitch the entire time, favoring legal interpretations and rulings and practices that have enabled, not inhibited that program of bringing us to where we are now. The secular left has never produced a goddamned thing except division, distraction and defeat. Just about everything that has been accomplished by way of making progress over the abysmal 18th century atrocity that controls this country has been done through the religious left, whether that be abolition of slavery, the expansion of the electorate, Women's suffrage, workers' rights, etc. has been motivated by faith and not by intellectual ideology. The extent to which anti-religious and secular alleged members of the left gained the upper hand within the left, they have been a millstone around the neck of it, an inhibition to progress, they are more apt to make ideological claims that are counter to the effort than they are an aid to egalitarian democracy, a decent life for everyone and a sustainable environment. 


Look up the ACLU in my archive to see what I say about them.  

Most of the secular lefty stuff is lifestyle junk which is an expression of assumptions of class and regional and, to a minor extent ethnic superiority, everything from the dreary polemicist button down Marxists of my youth to the barroom anarchist-atheist-folkie poseurs (so many of them having grown up in affluence and the prep-Ivy equivalent system) and those who would like to join on with them. Or the lore of the show-folk (how many friggin' movies about the goddamned Hollywood 10 etc. can they peddle?) etc.

And now it's the online lefty "media" the YouTubers and Patreon lefties, the dregs of the hapless Air America flop, the ones who constantly have to ramp it up to keep their audience, the purity poseurs who helped get us Trump, the ones who, constantly, during the 2020 campaign sandbagged even Elizabeth Warren as not pure enough for them and their tiny little audience, the same ones who are already tearing at Biden and Harris. It was my big lesson of the year that I, as a die-hard Warren Supporter, one who was realistic enough to know that whoever got the nomination would be the one I ended up supporting, my big lesson was one I should have realized, that the Black Women Voters of South Carolina had more political savvy than I did, they knew that it was not the time for an Elizabeth Warren, that it was going to be harder to defeat Trump than it appeared here in the "blue" North East and who got the nomination for the candidate who Trump and the Republicans feared the most BECAUSE HE WAS ALWAYS THE ONE WHO COULD WIN. I have never not been critical of Joe Biden but in winning the election and getting Trump out he has done more than the entire history of the "real left" in the United States. For all his baggage he has earned his place as a hero in history for doing that. I strongly suspect it will turn out that his choice of Harris will turn out to be inspired, too. I'm just even more certain that the Majority Report Crew, the other online lefties will attack them constantly, not because it makes the slightest bit of political sense but because it's how the lefty media gets and keeps an audience. That has been one of the other lessons of this year, realizing the extent to which the lefty media, the lefty scribblers and babblers are really just in the business of show biz, peddling their act like tired old Vaudevillians, going through the same old routine that the secular left has gone through since the youth of Eugene O'Neill and earlier. It's never going to be more than that because they lack the moral exigency of believing that those things that constitute the real agenda of traditional American liberalism are made right because God calls us to strive to make them real, in our own lives, in our society, in the world. 


That answer really doesn't change, now let me ask you why you guys on the secular left never notice that your tantrums don't get us anywhere except in reverse? 

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