Saturday, December 12, 2020

For Anyone Feeling Good About The Supreme Court As They Chickened Out This Time - They're William Barr's Willing Accomplises In State Murder

Trump's worst Attorney General in the history of that office, William Barr, a racist, oligarchic, fascist thug is considered a Catholic, his likely pedophile abusing prep-headmaster father - the one who gave Jeffry Epstein a job teaching math and science when the young pimp didn't even have a bachelors degree - was one of the fascist converts to Catholicism, converted by Rev. C. John McCloskey 3d, an Opus Dei cult priest who was fired from a media job because he sexually abused a woman - which ended up costing the fascist cult more than $900,000, I understand.  McCloskey was reported to be in the late stages of senility the last time I checked.

Opus Dei is a fascist cult, one of a number within Catholicism - when you have more than a billion nominal members in a organization you're going to have pretty much all areas of life, good and bad, contained in it.   There are lots and lots of Catholics who detest Opus Dei, who detest the kind of oligarchic, fascist, cultic  Catholicism, what I call "catholicism without Christianity" that William Barr uses as a cover for his role as a gangster lawyer thug.  He does that even as his father used his position to likely satisfy his predilections, as exposed, I'm told, in his crappy sci-fi scribblage.   I wouldn't be surprised if the history of Jeffrey Epstein and the end he allegedly came to was intimately tied to his procuring young women for people like Donald Barr and the host of other rich, powerful men and, likely, their knowledge that he could blackmail them.   Anyone who believes the suicide story without condition is an idiot, in my perhaps not all that humble opinion.

I write that preface to recommend a piece in the National Catholic Reporter which decries the tsunami of federal executions that William Barr is overseeing, with the aid of the right-wing Catholics on the Supreme Court, all of whom are certainly violating the teachings of the past three, at least, Popes, even the two reactionaries, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.  It is a terrible article that shows how evil William Barr and the majority on the Supreme Court are, how untrustworthy their "Catholicism" and certainly their Christianity is. 

I think the extent to which nominal Christians are comfortable or approving of the state murder of people is an accurate measurement of the phoniness of their religious profession and by that standard, alone, William Barr, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Brett Kvanaugh, and the two apostate "catholics" on the Court Gorsuch and Thomas are complete and total phonies. And the newest Catholic on the Court, Amy Coney Barrett is all in on the court greasing the skids to the execution chamber, even as lower courts had stayed executions the Roberts court is enthusiastically all in on speeding up the use of state murder.  All of those people are essentially gangster lawyers, it's just that the gangsters they serve are even bigger criminals than the old-fashioned gangsters that you see in the movies.  And they're more likely to have WASP identities.

You have to really wonder why they are doing this, even in the waning days of the Trump regime, as they know that the second and I would say obviously more sincere of Catholic presidents is about to take office.  There is certainly no practical reason for it, there is no enhancement of public protection, there is nothing in it but the gratification of William Barr and others like him who probably get a thrill out of the exercise of power to cause the death of people.  Probably psychologically akin to the thrill of an adult man sexually using a helpless child.  I have no problem imagining that figures into it. 

The only practical use of state murder, the ability to legally put someone to death is to use the fear of that to exercise power.   The congratulatory praise of the Supreme Court being too afraid to do what it's quite believable most of the would like to do, install Trump for another four years - DOES ANYONE BELIEVE ANY OF THE FASCISTS ON THE COURT VOTED FOR BIDEN? - shouldn't allow these thugs in black robes and misnamed "justice" to gull people into believing they are not part of the kind of plan that the Opus Dei priest, McCloskey had articulated as his motivation of converting the rich and oligarchic and powerful.  McCloskey called his planned takeover of power a "bloodless civil war" well, that was one of the things, when the like of William F. Buckley were pushing for reinstatement of the engine of state murder, they favored lethal injection because there was less icky blood and burning flesh involved.  Though that didn't bother another of McCloskey's buddies, Antonin Scalia, who opined that there was nothing wrong with execution being painful, he joked about it on the bench.  Some of his fellow "justices" reportedly chuckled about it.

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