Wednesday, September 2, 2020

No More Republicans Should Head The FBI, the CIA, the DoJ, etc.

I hadn't known on Monday that Michael Schmidt was about to reveal the truth of what I said about Robert Mueller as the focus of misplaced hopes in his about to be published book, I didn't know that until I listened to this video from Rachel Maddow's Monday show where she interviewed the reporter.




As someone who excoriated both James Comey and Rod Rosenstein back when Rosenstein was being held up as some kind of hero and who expressed skepticism and then criticism of the savior de jour when he was that, Robert Mueller, I am going to say, I told you so. 


James Comey's too-late revelation that he had known that Rod Rosenstein was a careerist hack  who would do what was good for the career of Rod Rosenstein even if it meant the rule of law and the welfare of the Country were flushed down the toilet seemed kind of rich coming from Comey.  As I recall, he didn't say that until Rosenstein did his glassy-eyed pose behind Barr as Barr lied about the Mueller report.  Not that Mueller could be bothered to call out that lie by his buddy, Barr, not really even as he testified - insufficently and reluctantly - to the House committees.  


Now we find out that Meuller, the that simulated granite statue of heroism and public service was carrying the water of Rosenstein even as that little creep issued orders to him to not conduct the full investigation or even any into some of the most serious crimes and treasons of the Trump regime, I hope that finally, for good, pulls that rotted plaster idol down from the plinth he'd been put on. I asked how anyone could have any confidence in Mueller when he was known to be a good buddy of William Barr even as Barr's cover ups for the Bushes, both I and II were fully known. I'm not someone who would sell myself as a "law man" and I'd never stay friends with someone who did what Mueller certainly knew he was up to.

I hope if we are lucky enough to get a Biden-Harris presidency that one of the things that is put to rest, finally, is Democrats appointing Republicans to head the FBI and, or, CIA or, really any important law enforcement post. I hope that they will resist the lobbying of the DC establishment to encourage them to appoint Republicans as Democrats have been gulled into doing for several presidencies. Bill Clinton did it to his cost and the cost of the country, Barack Obama did it to the cost of Hillary Clinton Comey having used his position to directly aid in handing the election to Trump for obviously partisan and, I would strongly suspect, misogynistic reasons.*

Democrats should stop handing legitimacy to Republicans because Republicans, even those who manage to get made up as Atticus Finch, the movie version, are not to be trusted. You'd think Democrats would realize they can't trust the DC-NYC media, either. How many times do they need to get shafted before they realize they aren't to be trusted, especially in their promotion of Republicans to head the FBI and CIA. Our media will slob any Republican who ever wore a uniform or was a cop, or, really, any Republican.  Just watch if the Democrats take the presidency and Congress, or even any one of them.  Their advice on who to put in charge of the FBI is not to be trusted.

* Though Bill Clinton stupidly meeting with the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch,  on the tarmac did a lot to hand them the opportunity to screw Hillary Clinton and the country. I hope and pray that Bill Clinton's appearance on the 2020 convention is the last time he will get anywhere close to a Democratic presidency. I hope Hillary Clinton backs down and I don't have nearly the reservations about her that I do about Bill. I would not appoint Lynch to anything either.  Her meeting with Clinton was, if anything, even stupider than his seeking the meeting, though as both of them are lawyers, it was unacceptably stupid and irresponsible on both sides.

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