Tuesday, June 30, 2020

John Roberts Is A Shifty Operator, Not A Principled Believer In Egalitarian Democracy Or Even Good Government

My take on the Louisiana abortion decision, a quite unexpectedly pro-choice (pro-choiceish, really) decision joined in by John Roberts, an opponent of the rights of women to own their own bodies, is that Roberts is biding his time.   He is trying to avoid the even bigger electoral disaster that his Republican-fascists can already anticipate in 2020, losing the entire Congress and the Executive branch, perhaps his fascist majority on the Court as Sheldon Whitehouse has access to the records of Bret Kavanaugh's serial perjuries to the Senate which will certainly result in Kavanaugh being removed from the Court or forced off of it and who knows what else.   Personally,  I'm looking forward to the operations of Chuck Grassley and the other Repubublicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mitch McConnell to be exposed too.  One of my wishes is that Grassley live to realize that his name in history will be as a villain, a dishonest, sleazy, sanctimonious hypocrite who is a real life Henry F. Porter who sounds annoyingly like the annoying James Stewart.  And for the people of Iowa to understand that they have put him there as much as I hope for the people of Maine to realize what they did by allowing themselves to be duped by Susan Collins.  I hope to see her live to be humiliated and to realize she will never live down her exposure for what she has always been. 

I don't trust John Roberts at all, he is a dedicated ideological fascist - as everyone who the fascist Federalist Society* promotes for the judiciary - an opponent of egalitarian democracy, a willing servant of oligarchy and the status quo of unequal power and wealth.  The Court decision to allow Trump to destroy the Consumer Protection Bureau's independence from Trump and other Republican-fascists, it is a crack that Roberts and the other fascists made in the wall of separation for agencies designed to act independently something which will certainly, if not stopped, destroy the very concept of independent agencies, one of the backbones of much of the progress made since the Roosevelt administration started those to address the disaster Republican-lassiez faire economics had wrought in the Great Depression.   

Roberts is playing a longer game than any one decision will figure in, he is biding his time for a time when his desire is fulfilled in having an intelligent, disciplned version of Trump whose stupidity and flagarant corruption and incompetence is endangering the goal of his entire professional life.   

The solution is to reign in the Supreme Court, to have a Democratic president, a Democratic Congress refuse to allow anything short of a unanimous Court to nullify laws duly adopted and enacted by the deliberations of hundreds of legislators and members of the Executive.  That the Supreme Court regularly does that now on a 5-4 ruling, often with the most absurd and dishonest of sophistry being their excuse, ignoring everything from the impassioned testimony of people in real life to carefully complied mathematics and scientific fact is a crime against reason and experience.   The Court, having given itself that power - it is no where in the Constitution, in Marbury v Madison, it didn't dare use it again for a century except in the execrable Dred Scott decision one of the main contributors to the terrible Civil War.   In the 20th century all hell broke loose that way, it's high time to reign in the out of anyone's control court and cut it down to a servant of egalitarian democracy.   Roberts should find himself in the fascist minority on an expanded court - one which has members who are not only dedicated to egalitarian democracy but who also know enough math and science so they have a clue about the testimony and record they are supposedly basing their opinions on.  And he should have one that knows it cannot destroy legislation except on a unanimous basis.  It is a hell of a lot easier to overturn bad legislation after an election, AN HONEST ELECTION, than to wait for the fascists to die from the court.   The Supreme Court attack on honest elections is the absolute proof that they cannot be allowed to continue as they have been.

*  The endorsement of the Federalist Society, among others, should become poison to a nominee for the courts.  They are poisonous to equality and democracy.  

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