Monday, June 15, 2020

How Dangerously Out Of Date Is the 18th Century US Constitution? Facial Recognition: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Update: Watching this again, just how many ways has this Hoan Ton-That jerk found to be a jerk in his one life?   Privacy thief?  Check. Burning man?  Check.  Rock musician?  Check.  Retro John-Lennon hair?  Check.  Scumbag internet identity thief- enthusiastic-profiteering enabler of oppressive regimes, both governmental and entrepreneurial not to mention random degenerate stalker types?  Check.  Phony transparently insincere "don't be evil" internet scumbag huckster?  Check.

And I wouldn't be so comfortable in claiming that the First Amendment doesn't mean what his company lawyers are so disgustingly claiming it does.  Not after the science-illiterate arrogant Republican-fascist majority on the U.S. Supreme Court rules on it.  I'd expect they will be salivating on the chance to use this to impose the total cyber-based control that their rotted fascist hearts desire on America.  The horrific mis-identification of People of Color by it will be a plus with them, probably most of all Clarence Thomas. 

I'm going to send this to all of those idiots in my family who take pictures at family events and put them online telling them I told you so.  I've been telling them to cut it out ever since that other massive internet a-hole Zuckerberg started Facebook, probably doing more to break up families and relationships than any other man in history.