Monday, June 15, 2020

Does The Estimable One Read Me? I Doubt It But . . .

I have gotten out of the habit of reading the estimable Charles Pierce because I can't afford the subscription that Esquire now, entirely understandably, requires for unlimited access to the national treasure of his writing.  So I didn't know till following up on a link to what he wrote about the Bolton book (which I will not buy, either)  that the day after I mentioned the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Essenes who are believed to have stashed them away, specifically the infamous War Scroll in regard to the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness with an overarching motive of its relation to modern American politics, including acritique of our modern day whited sepulchers in the churches, the Estimable One posted this:

Vigano is a notorious crackpot, but I didn’t know he was quite as much of an Essene in his theology as he apparently is. The famous War Scroll discovered at Qumran near the Dead Sea goes on and on about the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. I guess the ancient scribes didn’t have the imagination of the folks at OAN because they didn’t come up with The Deep State. Nonetheless, it’s unnerving to hear an archbishop shouting out wingnut talking points at a president* of the United States. 

I wrote about the War Scroll that day because it just happened to be mentioned in the part of Hans Kung's great book,  On Being a Christian in the part I got to that day.  While I'd be enormously flattered and gratified to find out that Mr. Pierce even knew about some guy in the, unfortunately no longer so wilds of Maine who has a blog, I think it was a coincidence.  Of course, if I were one of the guys at the Baby Blue Blog, I'd grasp onto that coincidence to claim he was a fan boy.  But I doubt it.  I think he just was reacting to what a fascist asshole Vigano was, something else I've written about here a number of times. 

But, hey, Pierce, if you are reading me, how about a shout out.  It might motivate me to try harder.