Saturday, December 7, 2019

Saturday after Advent 1

God of all mercy give us the capacity to situate ourselves in your goodness,  that we may resist every temptation to trade your goodness for other ways of security and well-being.  In his name, Amen.

Psalm 20 

Amos 5:18-27 

Jude 17-25

Matthew 22:15-22

The detractors from the distorters of faith are everywhere in these readings:

-  In the Amos text, they are those too comfortable in Zion,  with their eagerness for the coming day of reckoning when they think they will be affirmed. 

 - In the Gospel reading,  they are the Pharisees and Herodians who have no interest in serious interpretations of the tradition but only want to trick and trap Jesus.

-  In the epistle, they are "scoffers" who are propelled by interests and passions alien to faith.  They are indicted on three counts:  (1) They set up divisions, causing splits in the community.  (2) They are worldly, reasoning in pragmatic ways without allowing for the gracious slippage of grace that makes forgiveness and reconciliation possible.  (3) They are devoid of the spirit, unwilling and unable to be led beyond their own settled opinion. 

The epistle is eager that the "beloved," those seriously embedded in the gospel, should distinguish themselves from these troublemakers and practice disciplines tat will sustain their distinctiveness.  Four disciplines are commended;

-  "Build yourselves up" in a holy faith.  This includes attentiveness to apostolic teachings.

- "Pray in the Holy Spirit,"  a habit of yielding and a readiness to be led.

-  "Keep yourselves in the love of God,"  not seduced by quarrel or calculation.

-  Wait for "the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ,"  a bid for uncommon patience.

These disciplines will sustain with enough authority to convince and save others. 

Walter Brueggemann: Gift and Task

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