Sunday, October 13, 2019

Genocide Now With American Support

Erdogan is apparently carrying out another Turkish genocide, this time against the Kurds and with the support of American Republicans and the Trump crime regime, no doubt with the approval of his patron, Putin and the ruling Saudi crime family.  

Remember this when you hear one of them say "never again."   We have clearly learned nothing from all of that Holocaust remembrance activity of the 1980s and after.    Nothing that has kept the United States from being a party to this slaughter.   The "never again" said here is as substantial as the wind expelled while saying it and as ephemeral.  

That Turkey is allowed to remain in NATO after this is only matched by Trump being allowed to remain as the ruler of the United States.   This kind of thing discredits us all.

1 comment:

  1. I read recently "Never forget" meant "never forget how easily evil can prevail." But we do, allowing the phrase to mean "never forget how evil the Nazis were."

    We do everything we can to avoid responsibility.
