Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Spam He Am

I posted enough of his spam in the past, answering it, making it the topic of posts only because he is so unoriginal that he eventually repeats every stupid, every wrong, every muttering bit of babble that comes from the lobotomized pop-"culture" industry* that it has at least that limited use, to address the typical bull shit that must be overcome to get something done. 

I can make that use of it on my own terms this way, I realized that a couple of weeks back.  Don't fight farces, use them. 

* Laziness is a chosen form of mental retardation, it is ubiquitous even, perhaps especially among the college credentialed who make more money and have more leisure than is good for their minds.   It is to be despised, not like the involuntary forms of mental limitation.  I think I'll re-read dear old Jerry Mander's great work Four Arguments For The Elimination of Television.

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