Saturday, April 20, 2019

Ratfinks Of Rectitude

In the kaleidoscopic corruption revealed  in even the truncated Mueller report and the various points of view from non-Trumpian lawyers that I've been listening to - what's the point of listening to the Trumpian ones, they obviously don't mind lies - I can't remember who it was who finally said something that readers of this site will know I've thought about a bit, that Rod Rosenstein, sold to us for the past two years as some stalwart figure of principle is actually a figure of the weakest character.  

Whether it was him giving over the excuse to fire Comey with about as much resisence as Dr. McGroovy (c. 1969) giving him Trimp the health report Trump dictated or, to the contrary when he was hanging with the guys at the FBI suggesting wearing a wire to bust Trump (which he claimed was a joke when it was revealed) or various other things before he reached his cowardly apotheosis of standing like a drugged emu behind William Barr as Barr told lie after lie about the document that would be released, which Rosenstein knew would expose both of them as liars, Rosenstein has been a profile in garbage.  

I understand that he had one use, as a buffer, of sorts, between Mueller and no-Mueller, one who, perhaps, saw his best advantage coming from being seen as Mueller's protector as he did his report.  Maybe, at least for a lot of it,  Rosenstein was counting on Mueller taking out the Trump, to speak of garbage, and Rosenstein could go back to prosecuting people like a good little bathroom monitor.  But somewhere he must have realized that wasn't going to happen and then Andrew McCabe, who he'd been in on screwing, revealed his suggestion of someone wearing a wire.  

I'm about done with Rosenstein but I'm not done with the journalists, the insider lawyers and others who have been mischaracterizing him for the past two years.  Do they never learn?  A few who I had assumed had more sense said that it was Rosenstein's blank stare, lying buttress holding up Barr that opened their eyes.  I'm hundreds of miles from the elite ranks of DC and thousands from it as measured in class but I saw it as soon as we found out about the Comey firing memo - to speak of connected, DC establishment tools who had one use.  I figure if such people as Comey and Rosenstein are volunteering to be tools that people who can use them for better than their ususal purposes may as well.  But they should never misunderstand that that usefulness is tied, most of all, to what they figure is best for them, best for their self-image.   I remember the type, the upright, upstanding boy-scout type who would stab you in the back or fink on you as soon as they figured that would get them what they wanted. 

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