Saturday, January 26, 2019

More Hate Mail

I am not "in the middle" I'm not "taking a centrist position" I'm no where in between Nazis and fascists and Marxists and Maoists.  If you insist on a simplistic geometrical graph you're still stuck in the "left - center -right" one that is based on ignoring the tieensy little matters of modern, industrial scale mass murder, mountains of murdered corpses that are still a central component of Marxism as well as Nazism and fascism,  and the power to oppress billions in favor of defining them by their assertions of what the mass murderers and enslavers intend to do about things like banking and markets.   As if mass murderers can be counted on to tell you the truth about money and how they intend to steal it.

If you insist on a geometrical model, you can imagine a line segment with one end marked Gangster Governance and the other end marked Egalitarian Democracy with all governments (and economics) that aren't based in the adequately informed choice of The People of their government which is Of The People, By The People and For The People being merely degrees of gangster government, by far the most characteristic nature of human governments in humans' abysmal history.  I would be at the most extreme end of that line representing egalitarian democracy.

I have, of course, not mentioned a component of such egalitarian democracy which is even more vital to its existence than adequate knowledge for The People to wrest their government out of the hands of the gangsters,  the moral character of The People*.  People who are not People of good will won't be any more successful in avoiding gangsterism than people who are maintained in TV addled, entertainment encouraged ignorance.   That is my political position, I think one of the better expressions of it was when Franklin Roosevelt was asked if he was a communist and he said,  "I am a Christian and a Democrat, that's all."  He may not have been perfect in carrying it out but that's the formulation.  Lincoln, by the way, fell short of his great formulation, as well.  That doesn't mean it's not what we should be working for.

*  A brilliant person who is selfish and evil is just a selfish and evil person who is made more dangerous by their intelligence.  I've known of lots of smart people the world would be better off without, I'm hard put to identify a good one you can say the same thing about.

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