Friday, January 25, 2019

Hate Mail

Someone complains that I said that the MAGA hat as seen on Trump Junger was our contemporary equivalent of the Nazi's red armband, as seen on Hitler Junger, it is complained that there should be no comparison to the horrors that the Nazis committed in Europe in the 30s and 40s.  Well, there was a period of Nazi activity before the first atrocities were committed, before the worst of those were committed.  Trump has been in office two years, the Nazi phenomenon started in 1919 and ended (or at least its initial phase ended) in 1945.  They went from a body count of zero to more than 24 million in that period.  I'd rather not ignore that potential until it is fully manifested.

As a White, Gay Man I see young White Men wearing MAGA hats as being those who would likely attack me.  And I as an old Gay Man who can easily pass have little to worry about as compared to Women, Black People, Latino People, LGBTQ People, and others who have been targeted for hate speech by Trump and Pence and Stephen Miller and John F. Kelly and FOX.   

The Black People, the Native Americans who were in that location, seeing a large group of MAGA wearing young White Men coming their way had every reason to consider them as a potential danger.  Women such as the ones they were harassing as documented by video had every reason to consider them a potential danger.  Trump's supporters and fans have a history of violence.  If they don't like that reaction to Trumpler gear they only have themselves to blame.  Them and their fake fur covered Fuhrer and the diseased troupe of haters he maintains and encourages.  

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