Friday, December 14, 2018

Kirstjen Neilsen Belongs In Prison For Crimes Against Humanity and, Now, Homicide

The people responsible for allowing the 7-year-old girl to die of dehydration and exhaustion in the custody of  the Border Patrol and the Department of Homeland Security should all go to prison.  That is everyone up to and including Kirstjen Nielsen, the Aryan scumbag Trump and Republicans put into overseeing it, overseeing it incompetently and criminally.    

For the record, in line with some of my recent points, among other institutions Nielsen graduated from is Georgetown School of Foreign Service, so, another product that that Jesuit institution needs to answer for.  But not as much as Republican-fascists do.  Clearly, elite Jesuit education isn't a notable success in producing morally sound graduates.  They should sell that place off and open up a few decent community colleges to service the kind of people their graduates so often try to harm.  

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