Tuesday, November 27, 2018

On A Mainstay Of Ersatz Secular Morality

Since there was a small brawl in regards to imperatives here the other night, I think the most insane and ubiquitous belief on the left is that there is some moral or intellectual imperative that we must accommodate overtly anti-egalitarian and anti-democratic ideologies out of some incredibly loopy conception of fairness.

As I've pointed out before, given the history of the 20th centuries, a century of genocides,  in what would become Namibia, in what would become the Central African Republic,  in Turkey, in Russia, Ukraine, various other lands ruled under Soviet Marxism, under the Nazis, under Mussolini in Ethiopia, and elsewhere, under Imperial Japan in China and other countries they invaded, under Maoism and in too many smaller Marxist states to quickly name.  In various places the United States, France,  Britain, etc. maintained puppet state dictators (often on the excuse of fighting communism). in Gaza,  etc. etc. etc. etc. it is insane for anyone who claims to believe in egalitarian democracy or even just claim a moral repugnance for genocide to maintain that, nevertheless, we must tolerate those who advocate and promote the bases on which such genocides happened promoting them, now, for their advocates to have a fair chance at convincing people of the rightness of their ideas.   If I had a dollar for every piously posed, self-righteous declaration of that kind made by some self-regarding liberal!   And the sickening sanctimony of those who would trade the very real possibility of it happening again, it happening here for one of the stupidest articles in 18th century liberal idiocy has led to me feeling like punching the conceited asshole in their mouth.

There is absolutely no intellectual or moral case to be made in 2018 that Nazis should have a chance to do it again.   There is no intellectual or moral case to be made in 2018 that Marxism just hasn't gotten the chance to really do it right and all it needs is a chance to really work, this time, ignoring that both of those ideologies were given their test of time and the results are in in the form of scores of millions dead, certainly more than a billion oppressed and enslaved, their lives blighted, their cultures distorted in terrible ways for generations to come.  I had thought that West Germany was the example of a society which had successfully gone from the lowest depths of depravity to an impressive recovery of morality and sanity, though it certainly didn't happen in the Communist East.   I don't know how you can tease out the various strains in the recurrent fascism-neo-Nazism in Germany so as to see which part of the reunited Germany it comes from, but my guess is that it wasn't from the West Germany which had become, compared to the United States, a hope for the continuation of egalitarian democracy.   I think it would be an incredible and tragic irony  if the progress made in West Germany in casting off the legacy of Nazism was defeated by the legacy of Marxism in the "German Democratic Republic" , though I don't expect lefty or 18th century liberal style academics to be the ones who notice that.  They'll probably be too busy defending the rights of Nazis to try it here, too.

If there is a moral and intellectual imperative for egalitarian democrats in 2018, it is to junk the Jeffersonian slogans that lead to the idiocy that all expressions no matter how hostile and endangering to egalitarian democracy they are had have proven to be, over and over again, including IN THE UNITED STATES UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT, must be allowed its fair chance to win.   Jefferson didn't believe that, himself, slavery would never have existed if slaves had been allowed the rights enumerated in the First Amendment or any of the others.    None of the founders believed in it.   They didn't believe in it out of their extreme devotion to their own wealth and power, their intellectual and financial heirs did their best to suppress abolitionism, either by law or by fact. 

It is an irony in the United States how many flaky lefties and liberals (of the 18thcentury secular type) are devoted to slogans that have become the rallying cry to neo-Nazis and fascists, white supremacists, "Proud Boys," incels and cult-figure asshole psych profs from the U. of Toronto on the make when those guys are the ones for whom the "founders" made such slogans.

Subsequent history proves that the facile words of the First Amendment which are so easily mouthed are too simplistic, they are too stupidly, lazily an impediment from learning even the hardest of lessons from history, lessons taught in the form of scores of millions of dead, hundreds of millions and billions enslaved and oppressed and blighted for generations.   

Anyone who maintains that the advocacy of inequality and denial of rights and the things essential to sustain life must be allowed out of some kind of moral or intellectual imperative should be held discredited by the history of those ideas succeeding in the 20th and now into the 21st centuries.  They are amoral idiots who learned a few lines like some ham actor who uses them for make believe.  Only life isn't a made-for-TV movie.


  1. You keep talking about these boogie men but never lay out 1) what exactly they say 2) how should we make their words illegal 3) what the punishment will be and 4) who will be policing them? Remember, passing laws is easy. Enforcing them? That' the rub.

    Big pictures are great starting points, but you need details and elbow grease to bring them to life. Otherwise they just sit buried in the earth.

    Funny, though, that you bring up the Proud Boys but not Antifa. I guess advocating and committing acts of violence is OK so long as you don't like Trump?

    1. Whine to me when I advocate acts of violence by those who don't like Trump.

      "Boogie men" is a funny way to refer to the KKK, other white supremacists, skinheads, the various groups inspired by the neo-Nazi William L. Pierce, etc. who have murdered many thousands of Americans.

      Give me a list of people murdered by "Antifa."
