Thursday, August 23, 2018

I wonder if Saturday Night Live has ever asked if Vicki Lawrence would be available to do Lindsay Graham.   Someone has to parody him.  I mean someone other than himself. 


  1. Graham and at least 2 other Senators are making noises about holding hearings before November for a Sessions replacement, which immediately meant Mueller will be out by December.

    Except a patch of ice doth not a winter make, nor 3 Senators a majority for confirmation. But it is funny that Graham had turned on Sessions. Couldn't happen to a more despicable A.G. (and I remember Mitchell and Meese).

    1. I agree that Sessions is in that top three of the most despicable A.G.s of the modern period. I have no doubt that Susan Collins would join in the effort to sandbag the man she praised so highly as she was the one who introduced his nomination for the office such a little time ago. "Despicable" is a word that can be honestly used for the entire range of Republicans. I almost typed "with a few exceptions" except I think with Trump and the rest of the Republicans in his regime and on the Court(s) and in the Congress, the time for all good people to have fled that party is well over.

    2. Yeah, I don't feel terribly partisan in labelling the GOP despicable. It just seems objectively true.

      GOP Senators turned on Nixon relatively soon after his landslide victory. It seems nothing will pry them from the Pretender.
