Friday, August 3, 2018

American Democracy Is Being Killed By Courts Turning Liberties Into Opportunities For Corruption

I don't think much of any of the coverage of the Putin mob's ratfucking of our political system, of our elections has gone to the central issue.  If the American People, if American Voters didn't buy political lies in the same way they buy any crap they see advertised or product-placed in TV shows and movies, no one would try to do what the foreign mafia bosses of the Putin crime mob have done so successfully and which the Republicans are allowing them to continue doing because they are doing nothing to stop even the known means they used to do that. 

But that's not the world we live in.

The whole thing hinges on the marketing of lies, something the American media is very practiced in doing, they do it in several pods of commercials several times every half hour of every day of every year, whole industries including social science research - probably some of the most stringent testing ever done under that umbrella - to tell them how to more successfully sell stuff to their audiences. 

The media that is largely powered by the money that comes from marketing products was one of the main vehicles of the corruption that Putin and his crime mob used to put their puppet into the American presidency, to put Republican-fascists in office to enable the Putonian president in his betrayal of the oath he made a pose of taking, to "faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The media, certainly FOX, owned and controlled by an Australian-Brit billionaire porn merchant, has been in as thick as thieves with the Putin mafia crime spree, but also Sinclair, also many other broadcast, cabloid and print sources who are, a year and a half into the implementation of the Putin plan, still more than just enabling it, they are fully on board in that implementation of it,  THE AMERICAN MEDIA IS A PART OF THE PUTIN PLAN.  AND I'M CERTAIN THAT PART OF THE PUTIN GANG'S PLANS WERE HOW TO WORK THE AMERICAN MEDIA TO SERVE THEIR PURPOSE.

And the American media, even the less than fully on board parts of it behaved predictably through out the whole thing, everything from the quasi-entertainment-soi-disant news media, such as Joe and Mika who had on Trump the candidate for his entertainment, and so audience attracting value, giving him a good part of the reported billions of dollars of free campaign publicity the media gave him, from that to the New York Times who reported false stories that Hillary Clinton was going likely to be indicted for crimes, they all have played their part in producing the most serious crisis in American democracy, perhaps in its existence. 

Vladimir Putin is one thing that Donald Trump, most of the members of the American federal government (especially the members of the Supreme Court) and most of the people in charge of the American media are not, certainly something A. G. Sulzberger is nothing close to being, he's very intelligent.  And he is smart enough and a smart enough manager that he knows if he doesn't know something he should listen to people who know what they're talking about.   He certainly saw every weakness in our culture, in our politics in our Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court.  And he and his people understood the nature of all of those weaknesses. 

Almost all of the of the weaknesses in our laws, in our regulations are there to allow American millionaires and billionaires to do everything that Putin and his mafia have done to us from Moscow and small Eastern European countries, no doubt what the Chinese oligarchs are doing or planning to do along with all of the other mafias, governmental and NGO now that they can see what the Putin mafia have done so successfully AND WHICH THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM IS SO OBVIOUSLY NOT OBSTRUCTING IN ANY WAY. 

It is the Constitution and the Courts which have so often served the wealthy class in the United States in their efforts to prevent a real government of, by and, most of all, FOR THE PEOPLE, from becoming a reality.  Of using the "free speech-free press" doctrine that allows the same media that was the medium of Putin's ratfucking including its most recently developed part, social media, to successfully market lies to the American People, to sucker them into believing lies, marketed like beer or i-phones or any sci-fi delusion that is current.  By enabling the domestic millionaires and billionaires, the same ones who participated in Richard Nixon's crime spree by enabling the media they own to lie with impunity, the United States Supreme Court is the key to how the Putin mafia attacked American democracy, installing their property, a stupid, egomaniacle, criminal baby-man as president of the United States and his thuggish co-conspirators, the traditional servants of American millionaires and billionaires, in the Congress.

The United States Supreme Court, the part of the government totally insulated from democratic processes, chosen, not elected, are the center in the corruption and rotting out of American democracy.  They have done it by using the language of the Bill of Rights to enable the enemies of democracy and the common good, to enable the people bent on corrupting the country for their own profit.   Earlier this week, someone pointed out that the Russians have used our own supposed strengths against us, comparing it to the Japanese martial art of jiu-jitsu.  It is one of the things we know about Vladimir Putin that he has some training in jiu-jitsu*.  That is what the Putin crime family has used against us as the American system, especially the Supreme Court and the legal system seem to be playing some board game simulation, pretending the rules of that are the real reality.   I don't think even the Democratic appointees to the court, the only ones who aren't openly in on the corruption, appreciate the role that past rulings of the Court, the very "free press" rulings so beloved of myth and media,  have been used by the Putin mafia.  That reality is totally alien to the thinking of the traditional American mind.  But that is exactly how American democracy has been attacked, how it is dying.

America's elite law schools, the ones which trained all of the members of the Supreme Court, are churning out graduates indoctrinated in the same doctrines and dogmas the Supreme Court has issued which empowered Putin.  They did so, originally, on behalf of American millionaires and billionaires so they could do, domestically, what they opened the door to Putin doing with the clear collusion of American billionaires.  They don't seem to be in any hurry to see the error of their ways.  As can be seen in the Senate rubber stamping of Trump-Putin appointed judges and justices, the Senate under Republican fascism has been no kind of impediment to that. 

If we have to write the book on how American democracy died, that's how, they did it by turning liberties into opportunities for corruption.

*  I don't know if Ben Wittes is right that the videos of Putin flipping opponents are phonies, that might be as phony as any American political PR but Putin certainly understands how to use what we believe are our strengths against us under the rules of American law and politics.

Up against that sophisticated, informed attack, saying "The First Amendment" as if that's a magical protection against what has Putin has accomplished through using "The First Amendment" privileges given the media, as interpreted by the Court is as loony as Q-anon.  The Supreme Court under Sullivan v New York Times, Buckley v Valeo, Citizens United, enabled the American billionaires to profit from peddling lies, including those who are obviously working with his Putin and his criminal associates are what paved the way for Putin to do what he did, I know that in Citizens United, there were warnings that the Court was opening up our system to manipulations by foreign players, though the earlier ones did nothing to protect us from U.S. billionaires acting in concert with anyone they could get away with colluding with.  The continuing of the regime those rulings set up should be considered criminal malfeasance on the part of the Supreme Court.  They take an oath, too.

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

It stupidly doesn't include an oath to defend democracy or The People of the United States, the very thing that makes anything they do, the very Constitution they swear to defend legitimate.  I don't believe any of the current Federalist-Society, Republican members of the court were honest when they took that oath, I think they never had any intention to do any such thing.  In office, they've certainly done the opposite of what they promised.

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