Sunday, July 15, 2018

Darwinism In Current Kulcha

The first thing I ever heard about Jordan Peterson was him espousing gender inequality on the basis of a the currently most popular expression of Darwinism, evolutionary psychology - Sociobiology by the most idiotic citation of reported gender roles in lobsters.   I wrote about that at the time, pointing out that the exact same common ancestor we have with lobsters, believed to have lived 500,000,000 years ago, we also share with black widow spiders and preying mantis, in which the females not infrequently kill, they also eat males who want to mate with them. 

Like virtually all phony "public intellectuals" in the modern English speaking people, they all seem eventually to try to hitch their wagons to Darwin's star.   As I pointed out last week with Karl Pearson, when they do they inevitably do so to promote existing economic and social inequality, racial, ethnic, class, and gender inequality in support of the traditional and existing inequality.  In Pearson's case, to pervert the meaning of socialism into its opposite.

I don't pay a lot of attention to someone who is as big a boob as Jordan Peterson but among his ephemeral and fleeting lines of crap which he sells to his ignorant angry boy fan base is complaining about that most Darwinian of all ideas, that there will be males who have more sex than other males, leading to an inequality in the number of offspring by those males.  FOR FUCKSAKE, PETERSON, THAT'S WHAT DARWINISM IS ALL ABOUT.  His fan base contains a large number of angry boys who are either involuntarily celibate because they're so unattractive that women won't have sex with them or who are so busy playing online, listening to their guru, Jordan, or grousing to their fellow celibates that women are unfair to them and how attractive guys are getting all the sex. 

What's a phony like Jordan to do?   He goes right ahead and depends on the ignorance and laziness of his fan base to not notice that and all of the other lapses of knowledge and logic that his act consists of.

So many examples of that are on display here.

I Am kind of surprised that Sam Seder and his crew didn't pick up more on the fact that with his performance on the Joe Rogan show, Peterson exposed himself as an ignorant and totally clownish phony who has never really read Darwin - something he shares with most of those who are neo-Darwinists, today and that his shtick is based in a pseudo-scientific melange of contradictions and lies geared to appeal to the ignorance, anger and stupidity of his fan boys. 

I will go so far as to say, I don't think what he does is different in kind from what people like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett have made careers in "science" and philosophy through doing.  But, from his base in the pseudo-science of University based psychology, he gets away with a lot more than Dawkins and Dennett have.


  1. "The first thing I ever heard about Jordan Peterson..." nobody gives a shit about. He's a miniscule footnote to the history of crackpottery who will be forgotten before next spring.

    You know what's more interesting? The most uplifting 23 minutes of TV in decades. And the great thing is you have a soul so shriveled and incapable of joy that you can't derive any solace from it, like a normal person.

    1. Stupy, the first thing I ever heard about Jordan Peterson was when I read one of Echidne's MANY POSTS ABOUT JORDAN PETERSON, SO WHY DON'T YOU ASK HER WHY SHE'S WRITING ABOUT HIM.

      I know an superannuated white 12-year-old boy like you doesn't care but those of us who belong to groups he and his angry-boy cult target have a stake in what he says. If he dissed Israel's war crimes, that you'd care about.

      Paul McCartney. The cute mop head never said or did anything I found remotely interesting. You waste your time grooving over the 1960s, people who choose to remain children as you have never produce anything important, they hardly produce anything interesting. Which is why you spend so much time at Duncan's, it's what his rump of regulars do. You've turned old without ever growing up.

  2. You've turned old without ever growing up.

    Says the young fogey turned old fogey. And as I said, you're a shriveled soul incapable of appreciating beauty or joy or wonder. Sleep tight.

    1. Says the septuagenarian who loves ca-ca joke level "humor" and repeats the same old bull shit he's been saying since 1964.

      I'm on my way out to do some chores, I don't seem to need sleep as much as the marshmallow type such as you.

      So, did you ask Echidne why someone who is one of the groups targeted by Jordan Peterson would bother writing about him? Straight, white males in their senior years, always the last to understand that people have problems that their privilege doesn't give them.

  3. Says the schmuck who refuses to admit the centrality of Jews and European anti-semitism to the Holocaust. You may recall that — the Nazis referred to it as The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.

    1. Repeats the stupid geezer who is so senile he doesn't a. understand what he's claiming because he doesn't realize or care that anyone but Jews were murdered in the Nazi genocides, b. that the word "Holocaust" refers only to the Jews targeted for genocide by the Nazis and so were not "central" to it but were the exclusive focus of the Holocaust, c. would lie about what I said about it even if he understood what I said because he's a Trump level pathological liar as well as a Trumpian level ignoramus.

      I have never thought of you as a Jew, I've only ever thought of you as an asshole for as long as I thought of you as anything.

  4. BTW, get back to me when you have the self-awareness to be ashamed about making geezer jokes.

    1. That wasn't a joke, it was a statement of fact. You are a stupid geezer who is showing signs of senility and who all those other statements are true of. I've never felt ashamed to state the truth. You don't feel ashamed of living the life that they're about, why should I be ashamed of noting that fact.

  5. But you’re not a geezer. Got it.


    1. I've never had any problem facing my age, I've never had any problem accepting reality. You, though, have never faced it for a second you could avoid it. Dick Clark, worlds oldest teenager, Simps, worlds' oldest 12-year-old.
