Friday, May 27, 2016

The Responsible Left Has To Dump The Irresponsible Left: Random Thoughts At The End Of A Disastrous Week

That Bernie Sanders is showing how desperate he is, agreeing to Donald Trump's self-enabling one on one debate is just more evidence that he's going to be irresponsible to the end.  I'm disgusted with him.

Who knows if the "debate" will come off.  If it does I can guarantee you that the viewers, the Trump fans and the Bernie or Busters will both declare victory for their guy because they will never agree on anything except their hatred of Hillary Clinton, other than invective against her, they don't even speak the same language.

The Democratic Party has to face up to the fact that it is vulnerable to someone using the party the way Sanders has this year.   This is beyond the Nader 2000-2004 Republican-enabling spoiler act, this is someone who Democrats have pampered and befriended.   Sanders, an independent, has had super delegate status in the Democratic Party for years, now.   He's been befriended by and helped by some of the most senior Democrats in the Senate.

And the left has to face that its addiction to dreams of revolution, a revolution which would certainly not go to the left but would almost certainly end up with blatant, people getting shot in the head if not against the wall, fascism.   Most of those that the left has romanticized ended up with at least as bad if not entirely worse than what was overthrown.   I've come to conclude that among the first signs of a phony prophet of the left is the promise of a revolution.

I have also come to conclude that any progress we achieve will not flow from universities, neither the scholars nor the young folk.   In reading and hearing the political rhetoric of young'uns this year I'm embarrassed at how little they've learned from the idiotic, counterproductive grandstanding we were doing fifty years ago.  Children like excitement a lot more than they like disciplined consideration and reality, with some notable exceptions.  But the current crop of young activists aren't much like the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, they're more like the moronic Yippies and the asshole Weathermen who did ever so much more for the corporate state than they did poor people, black people, women or members of other oppressed groups.   The academics who will become prominent under such a celebrity based regime like those two groups will mostly be idiots who will say anything to retain what we used to call "relevance" which consisted mostly of telling brats what they wanted to hear.  You get status in the celebrity left through ratcheting up the empty rhetoric, not through speaking hard truth.

If, and it's a huge if, Hillary Clinton manages to win election without the real and full support of Bernie Sanders and his dead-enders, it will have the advantage of showing she didn't need them to win.   She will, though, need those who voted for him and who are not irresponsible and childish.  They will have to be the ones who support her heavily FROM THE RESPONSIBLE LEFT, and they will have to work hard to get out the Democratic vote in 2018 to seal any deal they earned by their disciplined support.  Hillary Clinton is far more likely to be impressed with us if we can prove she needs us AND CAN DEPEND ON US.   The left has been far from dependable in the past, much as it likes to tell itself that it has.  One of the reasons we are weak and without influence is our own fault.

That is a hard truth that the left doesn't like to hear but it's the truth.   If Hillary Clinton loses without the support of the responsible left, it will establish that it is unreliable and useless for making any kind of progress, sealing our impotent exile from real politics for decades to come.

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