Thursday, February 4, 2016

And People Wonder Why I Don't Like Duncan Black And His Baby Blue Blog Bunch

Here is the reaction that my post on sexually transmitted disease got at what is passed off as a major blog of the left.  

Steve Simels, blog malignancy • 11 hours ago

And Now We Find Out That Zika Virus Can Be Transmitted Sexually

Jeebus, dude, you're practically wetting yourself in excitement.

Freki  Steve Simels, blog malignancy • 11 hours ago
women must be punished for having sex

Steve Simels, blog malignancy  Freki • 11 hours ago
Hell, yeah!!!

Freki  Steve Simels, blog malignancy • 11 hours ago
Holy fuckballs!

the commercial sex industry is given free reign to flood any scientific advice on not hooking up and sleeping around with the promotion of sexual irresponsibility and, so, immorality. The sci-guys who can be counted on to howl at anti-vaxxers are the same people, by and large, who tell scientific medicine to take shut up when it comes to sex as a vector of infection and disease.

Steve Simels, blog malignancy  Freki • 11 hours ago
Atheism. It's always atheism.

MsInformed  Steve Simels, blog malignancy • 11 hours ago
and sex/pleasure is immoral

Freki  Steve Simels, blog malignancy • 11 hours ago
and remember, this waffleiron calls himself a "progressive"
Steve Simels, blog malignancy  Freki • 11 hours ago
A real one.

Freki  Steve Simels, blog malignancy • 10 hours ago
so long as the only progress made is for old gay prudes

Thurb  Freki • 10 hours ago
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if the guy has ever been abstinent out of choice (there were women or men interested but he had to stay safe/pure/whatever)? I'm always amazed at how it is almost all about how women are the evil ones for having sex, but we have to understand when males just can't keep their purity promises - if they made them to begin with. 
I recognize that so many of our patriarchal societies have really nasty punishments for women who fail because it is really about property not sex. But to ignore that it takes two to do anything more than masturbate really does make it clear unless you are a friggin' idiot.

Freki  Thurb • 10 hours ago
he's irish catholic. does that explain a bunch?

Thurb  Freki • 10 hours ago
Some. Most of the ones I know would know that was bull shit. ;-)

Freki  Thurb • 10 hours ago
think of it this way... he's an old irish catholic gay misogynist... and a progressive who supports terrorism. terminally confused is his natural state

Thurb  Freki • 10 hours ago
Yeah, that is tough bunch of guilt, hatred and anger to keep juggling and justifying.
Freki  Thurb • 10 hours ago
well, he doesn't logic good

Thurb  Freki • 10 hours ago
and recognizing reality also appears to be difficult for him from the various reports.

Freki  Thurb • 10 hours ago
weren't you here when he said that murder was OK, so long as the victim was british?

Thurb  Freki • 10 hours ago
No, I missed that stellar bit of logic.

Needless to say none of what they said was true.  As anyone who read what I wrote could easily see. For example, "women must be punished for having sex", the fact is, the word "woman" appears nowhere in the text of the piece, not that Duncan's brain trusters would have let them stop them from claiming that.  A good percentage of them are habitual liars and, as I've pointed out, at Duncan's blog, they provide the content.   From what I understand, the one case of sexual transmission of Zika that was reported on OCCURRED WHEN A WOMAN WAS INFECTED BY A MAN WHO HAD HAD SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE, for all I know he was the only man she ever had sex with in her entire life.  I have no idea of the gender of that someone else was, for all you could tell from the news report, it might have been another man.  Certainly no women were involved in the discussion of gay men having sex with multiple partners, which most of what I wrote was about since it was based on my experience of watching large numbers of gay men dying as a result of having sex with lots of men.

Needless to say I never endorsed the murder of anyone, especially Brits.  Probably more Brits have been murdered by the British class system than by anyone else and it's gotten especially strong criticism from me.  The British poor, especially as treated by Darwin and his followers, marked with biological inferiority and marked for elimination when not useful for their labor, are the ones whose killing was OKed but it certainly wasn't by me.

More generally, I suppose I should be grateful for the Eschaton Brain Trusters for demonstrating my point about how the champions of science go completely stupid when it comes to applying scientific knowledge to sexual activity.  Anyone who doesn't get that if you have sex with a lot of different people you increase your chances of contracting STDs AND THAT THAT IS ABOUT AS SIMPLE AND HARD A FACT OF BOTH SCIENCE AND MATH AS YOU COULD FIND, is just too stupid to be told that they're smart.

I think I'm going to have to just stop reading my e-mail for Lent.  It's just too tempting to post the stupidity of these guys when it's brought to my attention.

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