Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hate Mail - Blah blah blah blah

Don't bother telling me, I don't care.  Their ballot box poison makes them politically irrelevant.  

Duncan's alleged un-named mention in an old West Wing episode about ten years back was the political high point of his blog. Even his being one of the groovy bloggers who Obama called in to tell him why the young people didn't adore him sufficiently was on the downward slope.    It's not as if Obama changed any policies as a result that that meeting, it was a pose, nothing else.   And Duncan squandered whatever opportunity he had, like Obama did.  

Update:  Yes, I read that New York Times piece with Robert Dear's ex wife, as I recall she said she'd seen him something like once in the past seven years and the guy she remembers isn't much like the guy who  murdered at least three, injured more and terrorized the Planned Parenthood clinic and the general area where it was.  What she has to say wouldn't appear to be exactly fresh intelligence.  

I don't know what part of we don't know why the guy did it you don't get.  In the mean time, try reading my past several posts on the topic and tell me where he'd have gotten permission in the Gospels, the Acts, the epistles or even the Book of Revelations for doing what he did.   If he'd followed the teachings in those, he'd never have done it.  

Your intelligence is stale.


  1. Where in the Gospels is there permission for your behavior? Is your hatred and vitriol for everyone and everything justified in the Gospels?

    1. Oh, believe me, Septic, this is me being very restrained. I used to be much more aggressive in argument.

      Now, when are you going to answer any of those questions? Or admit that you can't because there is nothing in the Gospels, Acts, etc. that would encourage or pardon what Robert Dear did?

  2. I notuce you didn't answer the question. If they gospels don't pardon him, they don't pardon you either. Nobody made the arbiter of who is Christian and who isn't. Given that you have never shown the slightest bit of what normal people consider Christian behavior, your condemnation of others is pretty funny.
    In fact, you and Dear have a lot in common besides your unconvincing professions. Hateful cranks. Misanthropes isolated in a crap place. Antisocial, friendless crackpots raging against the world that consigned you both to failure. As I've said before, it's only a matter of time before you go on a violent rampage. And everyone will say that you were No True Christian™
    You mother must be so proud

    1. Well, dear, you see, Jesus is the central figure of Christianity. He said, this, for example,

      Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

      Matthew 7:21

      I'd produce a lot more of verses that would disqualify the "Christianity" of Robert Dear based on the definition of the ultimate authority on that.

      Let's just say, for a start, he was serially married and divorced and shacked up all of which would mark him as a serial adulterer, not to mention the adulteries with other women as well - personally I think he personifies the truth that there is no man so repulsive that some woman can't be found to ruin her life for him.

      He was shacked up with the woman who's been purporting he was a good, Bible readin' Christian, as apparently she wants people to believe she is, even as he was terrorizing and murdering.

      He stole, cheated, lied, etc.

      Robert Dear is a Christian pretty much like Elena Ceaușescu was a chemist and James Randi is a genius.

      I don't know if I'd be considered a good Christian, I can tell you if I acted like you and Sims and the rest of your clique, I'd want someone to tell me I was being a jack ass.

  3. You are a jack ass and according to your own criteria, you are no better a Christian than Dear is. Tell me, have you ever in your life even attempted to act according to Matthew 22:37-40? I'm just not feeling the love from you, Sparky and no one else ever has, either.
    So if you want to argue about people not living according to the faith they profess, you should take that fucking beam out of your ass.

    1. It's tough love, Tanky, I figure you'll never consider the error of your ways if I don't stand up to you. It's not as if I'm punching you in the mush. So stop whining.

      There's nothing in the Gospel about just letting liars lie.
