Sunday, June 26, 2022

This Is Not The Time For The Anti-Religious To Substitute Their Agenda For The Real Agenda Of Equality And Self-Ownership

IN THE JUSTIFIABLY OUTRAGED coverage of the Supreme Court's Dred Scott II decision, (This Time It's Women Who Aren't Humans Under The Constitution) I've noticed a real and obvious difference between those commentators and talking heads who have a knowledge of religion and those who don't.  The ones who do, such as those who pointed out the hypocrisy of the leadership of the Southern Baptists who went from agreeing with Roe to opposing it for obviously political and financial motives, those like the late and vile Jerry Falwell whose hypocrisy on that was obviously political and financial - Carter's administration stripping segregation academies of federal funding was his great motivation.  Those informed commentators who take religion seriously, perhaps believers, themselves,  and others whose inside or at least informed knowledge of the many different positions of the Catholic and other churches informs their criticism are in sharp contrast to those whose indifference, hostility to and sometimes quite obvious ignorance of the role religion has played for and against freedom of choice.  If you think we are going to save freedom of choice without pro-choice Catholics, Southern Baptists, etc. you should go back and review elementary school math because you really don't get that this is about numbers, first, last and always.

Those whose reflexive, go-to position is that religion being involved with political and legal issues is creeping "theocracy" those who seem to have no ability to distinguish between Catholics or, for that matter, Southern Baptists or Mormons or whatever who oppose Women having full and exclusive ownership of their own bodies and those who want to nationalize them as the Republican-fascists on the Court and throughout the Republican-fascist leadership do, really are not the most helpful of people on this issue.  Their disdain for, disregard for, ignorance of and, at times, obvious bigotry is not going to help.  They should not shut up, they should learn about the differences and the sides of those differences that we need to mobilize to win on this issue and the other issues that the most pathological of the psychopaths on the Roberts Court is talking about going for next, Clarence Thomas.

I think the pathology of Thomas, Alito need to be gone into in ways that are rare for members of that most corrupt arm of the federal government, the Supreme Court, that has to be gone into honestly, on accurate information and with scathing depths because it's clear from the language of Alito's depraved majority ruling and the depraved Thomas concurrence that they have real issues on these issues.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if Thomas sees this as payback for the exposure of his sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings. He is an evil and petty man.  I am sure I will have more to say about the motives of Alito and the others as this outrage rolls out.

We should be documenting every outrageous result of this, young girls forced by the Supreme Court and Republican-fascism to bear rapists babies, their own relatives being the rapists at times, we should document every abortion made dangerous, every instance of Republican-fascist prosecutors going after women who had miscarriages, every Woman dead or maimed or whose life is destroyed by the Roberts Court and the Republican-fascists who put them there.

Getting distracted over anti-religion is not going to do what needs to be done.  Attacking bishops or TV hallelujah peddlers or whited sepulchers like Mike Pence and total scumbags like Mitch McConnell is entirely fair and necessary.  


  1. "Getting distracted over anti-religion is not going to do what needs to be done. Attacking bishops or TV hallelujah peddlers or whited sepulchers like Mike Pence and total scumbags like Mitch McConnell is entirely fair and necessary. " That's as incoherent and illogical an argument as you've ever advanced, Schmucko. Congratulations!!!

    1. Only if you mistake those for God or Jesus as idiots like you and themselves do.
