Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Screwed Up Priorities Of The Those Who Won't Learn From Experience - Hate Mail

THE STUPIDITY OF ANTI-RELIGION is as vast as the dishonesty of those who insist that the worst of those who lie about their religiosity are the true owners of and legitimate definition of religious belief.  If any of the six Republican-fascists on the Supreme Court really believes in the Christianity they profess, well, their actions prove that they don't, their actions on the Court and in life prove that they don't.  That goes from the sexual predator and perjurer Clarence Thomas to the latest of them, Amy Coney Barrett who is one of those who certainly lied about their views on the Roe decision, under oath, where if the secular law were sufficient and any more efficacious than the Gospel, she would be under indictment for lying under oath to a committee of the Senate.  By the way, there is nothing more obvious than that the oath to tell the truth - never mind protect and defend the Constitution - she and the others took is a direct violation of one of the most unambiguous of commandments given by Jesus, not to swear but to let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.  That you are always under a moral obligation to tell the truth.  That is one thing that practically the only Christian sect I'm aware of took really seriously were the old Christian Quakers who got into trouble for following that.  The history of Republican-fascists proving that they swore falsely to tell the truth or defend the Constitution and getting away with that with complete impunity is all the evidence anyone really needs that secularism is an impotent force for doing anything important.   It can't even force a Supreme Court nominee to tell a Senate committee the obvious truth as everyone in the room knows they're lying their damned heads off about.

Secularism as a substrate for egalitarian democracy is a flop,  The history of the American left dating by convenience from the death of The Reverend Martin Luther King jr. gave secularism a test of time that it more than flunked, it squandered the progress won almost as soon as it got the chance. It was a flop even before that.   It has been flopping disastrously for more than fifty years now. It started flopping exactly at that time and largely due to the rulings of the Warren Court, including its "non-establishment" rulings which provided Republicans and the right propaganda victories over mostly non-important issues.  That as well as its "free speech-press" rulings that removed any requirement for the media to not lie which is certainly another feature of secularism.  There is nothing in secularism to stiffen the resolve and the spine of those who really favor equality and the legitimate modern definition of democracy under equality into getting the work done, there is nothing stupider or more counter-productive than the academic left, their ascendancy over the likes of the religious left demonstrates that most effectively.  Secularists have long proven themselves far more interested in the petty distractions of anti-religion than they are even winning elections and taking a majority of the legislature and executive at the same time so as to change real life in reality.  My faith is in an ecumenical religious left that believes equality is divinely mandated - one that is unduped by the secularists who should not be trusted because of their track record.

While I certainly find enormously annoying the decision allowing a pseudo-Christian, such as such faith-professing football coach has to be,  to use a public school event to make a false demonstration of Christian religion, with the certain coercion to participate found in that scenario, I don't think it's worth the cost to the American left to fight it.  If this month in that foetid Court proves, there are real life and death issues abounding that are really important.  Anyone who wants to avoid the bullying that this pseudo-Christian coach wants to exercise merely has to opt to not participate in the football game and, if I really had my dream scenario happen, they would coerce  the school board into dropping that evil sport from its budget in the coming year.  Participation in that bullying is entirely voluntary and even less than necessary, it is voluntary self-destruction and self-degradation.  Compared to that, the bullying of the players to play the pathologically violent game, of their parents to allow the participation, of encouraging it is absolutely and importantly wrong. 


There is no minor program cut by Republican-fascists and the Manchin-Sinemas of the Senate that is worth standing stupidly tall on the matter of a scumbag of a football coach urging players to make a false-display of religion that is entirely more like the empty pagan pieties of the Roman state and its violent, deadly games than it is Jesus.  If anything, the only thing worth objecting to in it is that it is distorting the public image of Jesus while violating everything about the Gospel of Jesus, the epistles and the rest of the New Testament.  

The priorities of the American and other lefts have continually been distorted by secularism of the kind I've condemned.  Secularism should never have been mistaken as a value in itself, it is a mere measure of efficency under a broader egalitarianism because of the many different varieties of religious belief and non-belief.  The government should always be secular to the extent that is possible but governments exist in a reality in which there are other matters that are often far more important than others and as the rights of People of Color and Democrats to cast a vote is under attack, as the rights of Women, LGBTQ People to the ownership of their own bodies and lives is under attack, as the very environment we all depend on to live is under attack by the Republican-fascist Supreme Court, the annoyance of this attempt to turn Christianity into a modern Roman Imperial pagan state religion is not worth spending any time, resources or good will on.  No more than reciting a prayer in the public schools was when the Warren Court handed Republican-fascists that issue to rally the gullible and the foolish on it.  I am certainly not in favor of any pressure being put on school children in that way but I am far more in favor of Democrats taking power, taking over the Court so that school children can be protected from military assault weapons first, second, third, . . . . I can't think of any number large enough to make a comparison of the importance of those two issues that elevates the ACLU style obsession of enforced secularism to even being in the same category of importance to getting assault weapons out of the hands of civilians.  Anyone who thinks those are of even remotely similar concern is too stupid to take seriously on anything.  Or they might be a civil libertarian  with legal training of the kind who are regularly asked on to spout such total nonsense by the free-press.  Lawyers are trained to focus on such unimportant crap, it's their bread and butter.

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