Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Scheme 11: Faculty Lounge Report

OF THE SEVERAL SENATE Judiciary Committee members who I have great respect for, Masie Hirono, Amy Kloubouchar, Richard Blumenthal, etc. there are none I respect more than Sheldon Whitehouse who, in his questioning and the content of his speeches is in a class by himself.

His series on The Scheme by big money and right wing ideologues to capture the Supreme Court and, once again, make it what it mostly has been for most of its existence, their tool, a scheme set into motion by the former "justice" Lewis Powell when he was still a corporate lawyer and genteel segregationist, he has hit so many nails on the head that he should be an honorary member of the Carpenters Union, though considering how that is run these days, maybe he'd rather stick with the disreputable company of the Senate. 

The eleventh in his floor speeches as part of his series proves his even-handedness in criticism because he squarely takes aim at President Biden's ill-considered Commission On The Supreme Court of the United States, a doomed effort if change was the goal because, as Sheldon Whitehouse points out, most of the members of the Commission were members of the same club which has a professional and personal interest in nothing much changing with that cesspool of corruption pretended to be a pristine reservoir of pure water.   His description of it as issuing a "Faculty Lounge Report"  is perfect.  It recommending little to nothing change, certainly nothing that is vitally important, is what can be expected from such an august body of law and judicial insiders, either expecting to argue cases in front of the nine autocrats, especially the six Federalist-fascist apparatchiks who form the court majority, or they want to be able to place their students in high-status clerkships with the Supreme Court or high up in the lower courts or they want to maintain their status within the big, cushy club of the legal-judicial racket and the last thing they could be counted on was to come up with real proposals to really reform the utter corruption that the Supreme Court is.

Here's the video of his eleventh speech in the series, all of them are available at the Senator's Youtube channel, 

 If President Biden really wants to look at reforming the stinking corrupt Supreme Court he should have rejected the report from the Faculty club and appointed people without a motive almost as corrupt as Clarence Thomas' and as corrupt as the Federalist fascists on the Court.  As Senator Whitehouse notes, two of the members of the Commission, Nancy Gertner and Lawerence Tribe issued a sort of dissent in which they laid out the fact that their colleagues had issued a cover-up, not an honest report.   Maybe, if they retain either or both of the houses of Congress, the two judiciary committees might consider naming their own commission of experts to come up with something.  Nothing that doesn't basically alter the corrupt Judicial Power that I've been railing against will really get the job done, though.   I think reviving that rejected Bill of Rights amendment proposed by Madison to require the various branches of the federal government not overstep their explicitly set out roles in the Constitution should be considered.

If it turns out that a Supreme Court stripped of its usurped powers of judicial review of duly adopted federal laws is a problem, well, it would have to be a pretty big problem to match the problem of the Roberts and other Courts stripping voters of their right to cast a ballot and to have it counted, to refuse to keep partisan legislatures from nullifying the effectiveness of votes through the corrupt practice of gerrymandering, to nationalize the bodies of women, giving state legislatures, police and judges and "justices" power over what happens past where any state has any legitimate interest that overrides Womens' self-determination, promoting Americas indigenous form of fascism, white supremacy, making sure that our elections and political systems are open to the same corruption of big money that got most of them on the Court, . . . the list of evils the Supreme Court has brought us is astonishing for something held up as if it were sacred instead of the most certain avenue of corruption in our government.   That certainty is the reason that the big money, the oligarchs and autocrats spent hundreds of millions capturing the thing.  It should be no surprise that since its members are unelected and hold their position for life, without any realistic chance that they will ever be removed by impeachment for even the most obvious of corruption and even law-breaking, it is to be expected that the thing will have that role in corrupting democracy and facilitating inequality, racial, gender and, most of all, financial inequality.

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