Thursday, October 14, 2021

Old Eyes

BOWING TO THE INEVITABLE HAVING LONG SINCE ARRIVED, I have started using an old, larger, flat-screen TV as a computer monitor because too many words were getting cut in my editing on the small screen without me seeing it.   If it leads to better editing, catching needed changes in subject predicate agreement, when I need to change prepositions, when a vitally needed verb in a sentence is accidentally cut. . .   

I was going to say "we'll see" but I suppose that depends on me seeing, I am sure you have.  Some days I think I might go to a dark screen format but I was warned against radical changes in design once.  Changing to using a text editor with dark mode instead of the word processor helped a lot, when I remembered to use it. 

Hate having to have the thing cluttering up the place but it sure makes reading books on the screen easier.  I'm so excited about that I feel like doing a series.  Once the garden is done for the year.

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