Sunday, October 24, 2021

Do The Kew-el Kids Still Say "Well, Duh!"

OF COURSE I used the term "real medium" to be provocative, you think I'd use it without knowing it would provoke the people who've been attacking me for going on two decades and who I delight in triggering?  

I don't know whether or not what real mediums do is real sometimes or many times.   When I say a "real medium" I mean someone who isn't as-seen-on-TV but who has paying customers.   As I said, people I know and trust, at least some  of them taking precautions to prevent the medium they consulted knowing their identity, said they told them things they couldn't have learned by googling them or asking someone. one impressed on me that they were the only possible source of what they were told and they'd never shared it with anyone else.   I wasn't there.  I have to do what anyone has to, respect their judgement of their own experience of something I didn't witness.     Something the "skeptics" never really do as they pretend to knowledge of something they can't have.  They don't respect anyone who isn't part of their ideological atheist religion. 

I will say that I take the traditional Jewish-Christian reservations about consulting them seriously because, like psychologists and psychiatrists and what they see on TV, the movies and Facebook, they can seriously screw people up. 

The claim that if you believe someone on something that seems incredible you have to believe everyone on even those things that seem impossible is an absurd exaggeration.  EVERYONE, including every friggin' big-name "skeptic" who ever lived believes in things that are incredible and they do what everyone else does, they pick and choose which things that are unevidenced and unverified they choose to believe.  If that atheist-materialist-true believer in scientism claim that to believe anything means you're compelled to believe everything were true that would apply to them as much as it would the most credulous dupe of any conman in the world because they do believe things that are unevidenced.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the atheist computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum who forced me to admit that everything, including those things held to be "known" and not "merely believed" are the product of choices to believe, even the most basic facts of math and our expectations of how physical objects will behave.  We choose to believe those reveal some hidden "law" or even truth about how everything is.  Being freed of the psychology manufactured separation of "belief" being a product of choice while "knowledge" is something we are compelled to accept involuntarily was a huge step in my understanding that there is really no bright line between the two.  The same mind does both and believes and asserts the conventional notion that there is a difference out of the most non-rigorous of investigation and conceit.    

Update:  I make no apology for dealing with the comments of those who love to hate on what I say on my terms and not theirs.  If they expressed their hate reasonably, with supporting evidence, honestly I might apologize for that and do it the conventional way, but they don't so I won't.

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