Monday, May 17, 2021

Asked Why I Have Not Commented On The Latest Atrocities In The Middle-East

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that the Palestinian-Israeli war is going to end, there are gangsters in charge of both sides, fascists in power in Israel and armed cults on the other side.  It is a chronic disaster and the People suffer, more the Palestinian People because its side has less power, organization and outside support than the Israeli side does.  The only prospect for ending it would be if all external powers on all sides stopped supporting the side they are supporting and that is not going to happen.  It was a disaster that was predicted more than seventy years ago by a lot of very smart people before I ever heard of either side and their predictions have proven to be quite accurate.   Unless that funding of the sides stops, both in money and military hardware,  there is every reason for both sides to continue with the killing, Israel has tried to bomb Palestinians into surrender for decades and it has not happened. Palestine has tried to bomb Israel for just as long, giving the gangsters in Israel an excuse to steal more land - this go-round started with Israeli gangsters driving Palestinians out of Jerusalem from what I can figure from what I have read.   Not that it's easy to figure out, the multi-party politics of Israel is only the beginning of things, mixing in various Heredi political-religious cults, the Chief Rabbinate (they should drop the pretense that that political-Mafia entity is religious anymore) etc. etc. etc.  The predictable turn of things in Israel, from aspiring egalitarian democracy to military fascism is matched by what has happened to the Palestinian side of things.  Generations of war leads ever away from democracy and to gangster rule.  There is something almost irresistible in a militarized mindset that drives democratic inclinations out,  those military officers who resist that habit of thought must rank as some of the most idealistic of all public officials.  Political science is a pseudo-science but that formulated as a rule is probably more reliable than the standard they're using in much of physics and the genuine life sciences, these days.

If there's one thing Americans can learn from this, it's the calls for smaller political parties to wield power here are begging for a whole host of problems, as if one of the two isn't enough of that, now.   Third parties as an ideal solution for political problems is a romantic myth and a delusion.

I don't remember who it was I heard say recently that even with the re-emergence of the troubles in Northern Ireland due to the English-fascist buffoons' Brexit, he had faith that the so-called sectarian divide in Northern Ireland had a prospect of ending* but he had no reason to believe the one between the Palestinian and Israeli sides could be solved.  I would point out that it was the fascists in London who reignited the problem there.   

The only way I can see for the Israelis and Palestinians to come to a peaceful resolution is for all sides to simultaneously  stop sending money and arms and military aid to both sides.  And that's not going to happen.  The interests of the governments and individuals who don't live there are too entrenched to change things.  Watch how it is used to try to undermine the Biden administration.  I'd say watch how he doesn't manage to navigate his way through it, though if there's one thing I've been pleasantly surprised at, it is that I have underestimated Joe Biden repeatedly.   If he can find a way to make progress, even if it's the kind that Jimmy Carter managed, he'll have done something I never thought was possible.  I'd love to see that happen but I'm not expecting it. 

And that's just the beginning of why I haven't written anything about it.  I am increasingly angry at the effect it has on American politics.  

* I hope it ends in Northern Ireland and Scotland leaving the UK and forming an economically beneficial egalitarian Celtic confederation with the Republic of Ireland in which equality is a legal guarantee for all of the citizens of all three countries.  If that happened I think it's likely that Wales might opt to join it, leaving the English to stew in their rigid caste based inequality.   But that's just another pipe dream that no one else I know of is talking about.  I'm past the point of mistaking romantic notions for reality.   Romantic notions get people killed, too. 

More and more I think that the real basis of moral governance isn't found in democracy, it's found in egalitarianism. 

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