Monday, April 26, 2021

Hate Mail - I Will Probably Tire Of Answering This Soon But In The Meantime I'm Taking My Good Times Where I Find Them

I USED TO REFLEXIVELY use the term "college-educated" to describe the class of people who have a college degree but after going online and reading the unedited, unfiltered thinking of thousands of people who fit that description I realized that the label was dishonest and so have settled on "college-credentialed". If you've got a problem with that, complain to the colleges and universities, especially those who cater to the rich and powerful who fill the media and the scribbling industry with their stupider sons and, to an extent, daughters who they don't trust with what they really value, extracting money out of the wealth created by those who create wealth and fill the legal and political system with those in between to rig things for them.

The rest of you are just white-collar class TV and Hollywood addled boobs who didn't spend enough time away from entertainment and so find yourselves reaching senectitude already voluntarily feeble minded. 


I'd trust any number of people who came up through an apprenticeship, formal, informal, self-structured, . . . that depended on them doing instead of a larger number with degrees from an accredited university or college. I was thinking that just the other day while leaving a comment on the latest dribble that came out of Dr. Ben Carson. You boobs figure you're on the right side of stuff but all you do is discredit those who might get something done through your snobbery and conceit.

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