Sunday, April 4, 2021

Answer To A Taunt

IT DID UPSET ME that Pope Francis went along with the public insult issued by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to married LGBTQ people when they banned the "blessing " of same-sex marriages. It upset me that Good, though not perfect, Pope Francis signed off on it though it didn't surprise me. He is the Pope of the Catholic Church, he's not going to stop being the Pope and it is widely believed one of his foremost concerns is not splitting the church. 


There are many dissenters from it among the Catholic Church, The People and those who add to that distinction academic credentials in theology and other academic subjects, Women religious, Male religious, Priests (Women and Men) etc. I am sure that there will be many unofficial "blessings" given by ordained clergy, Women as well as Men, Religious, there will be continuing dissent by doing.

The real blessing of a marriage is made real only through the faithful life together of the two spouses, their faithfulness to each other, to their children, to their families and communities. Considering how many faithless, hate filled, angry, dishonest and otherwise fraudulent marriages have the full "blessing" of clergy, of hierarchies and of the church communities, why would anyone feel any great desire to have it? Considering the number of bitter divorces, of those which even go through the legal process of the Catholic Church and are officially annulled (the official, Catholic Church blessing having been bestowed on something thereby declared not to have really existed) you'd think they'd concentrate a lot more on the crisis in blessing straight marriages that are an illusion.

If you want your marriage blessed, it's in your hands, it's between you as a couple, your children, your family, in decreasing centrality and, most of all, to God. Why would you feel like you need anything else in that area? You should value your fidelity and love more than any priest or church or piece of paper that claims you're "really" married.

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