Monday, December 28, 2020

This Situation Can't Hold Much Longer

I haven't been paying much attention to the more insane right-wing nutcase rumors this year, there are so many of those, so until I heard this morning that the Nashville Christmas Day bomber may have been motivated by the 5G conspiracy theories to attack the ATT office where the bomb went off, I hadn't read much about it.

What I've read about how that nutty mass delusion has spread in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic and how many of the early spreaders of it were pop singers and from that factory of malignant fantasy and some of the stupidest lies, Hollywood confirms some of my worst fears about the future of free speech and free press, that the old assumptions about those being absolute will be found impossible to sustain. I watched a BBC show from last July that was alarming enough, especially the denial of 5G wack-jobs about the existence of the virus and the already insane rumors about the yet to be produced vaccines in relation to the Spring shutdowns in Britain and can only imagine how much worse those are now that Britain has had to shut down again and is the host of an even more virulent mutation of the virus.

We should start facing the fact that with the change of technology, first the movies, then radio and then TV and on to forms of media that can implant and promote the most insane lies that can go viral far faster than an actual virus can, some of those "viral messages" clearly organized by gangster states and well financed lie campaigns, we can't permit that spread to continue, there will have to be consequences for those who spread the lies and those hosting sites and companies that make their products available to the worst people in the world for spreading them. The ACLU "First Amendment" cries won't work for much longer except to enable the worst of this because the results that have come from that theory of free speech and free press are impossible to sustain.

We can either have a world in which the ability to tell the truth is protected and the spreading of lies is suppressed or we will find ourselves in a world in which the ability to tell the truth will either be denied by governments that clamp down that far or by crazy people who attack and kill or scare truth tellers into silence.

We have gone past the world of one page at a time printing known to the writers of our First Amendment, the idiocy of not forcing their language to address the world two hundred thirty years on is sheer insanity in itself. We don't have time for the ACLU and the glacial pace of the legal profession to address this because they have a vested interest in pretending this isn't happening or, if it is, that it has nothing to do with their advocacy on behalf of liars to tell their lies no matter how damaging or disastrous they are. We can't continually put off addressing this anymore than we can the equally disastrous wording of the Second Amendment because it is killing people now.

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