Friday, December 4, 2020

If The Supremes Gave The Fascist, Criminal, Traitor Trump The Kind of Pardon Power The Idiot Founders Stupidly Implied In The Text, Biden Should Take Full Advantage Of It For Democracy

If the Supreme Court ever ruled that a president can pardon himself, that his pardon power is that absolute then it would have invited a Democratic President and anyone in their administration they could pardon the power to ignore any Supreme Court ruling they chose to, the whole range of those rulings, everything back to and including Marbury v Madison, in which the Court granted itself the power to overrule the Congress and the President when they adopted legislation in line with the Constitutional powers that are enumerated to them. The self-granted power of review in that way appears nowhere in the Constitution.

If they do that then I say the Biden administration should reinstate the laws passed to get money out of our politics, which were passed on a bipartisan basis before the Supreme Court and the "civil liberties" industry overturned them by judicial fiat, opening up our politics to the corruption of money, bribes paid to politicians to do what the billionaires want.

Biden should also reinstate the ability of public figures to sue media companies that generate AND CARRY lies. They should also enforce the Fairness Doctrine, PUBLIC SERVICE REQUIREMENTS, diversity in in the media. That purpose should always be in the service of equality an democracy and reality and public health. Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and all the rest would either clean out the lies or be abolished, comment threads online and the hosting companies that are used to spread lies that produced a Trump would not be allowed to serve that purpose.

What would the Robert's court do if he did those things and pardoned everyone who carried out the policies and laws?  Overturn their ruling allowing Trump to do that while a Putin puppet traitor and destroyer of electoral democracy and equality?  I'm sure five of them would do it in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with another Bush v Gore level partisan action

The malignity in our politics was largely a product of the Supreme Court, it has played that role back to when the slave-owners on the court were enhancing their wealth through their use of the language of the Constitution to enhance and expand slavery and to allow the slave industry to impose its will in states in which the majority didn't approve of slavery. That court, using the ever more apparently inadequate language of the Constitution and the "Bill of Rights" has been the enemy of equality and democracy far, far more often than it has issued those PR cover up rulings that seemed to be a step away from their typical character. That it is the branch totally unanswerable to The People is certainly a part of that as is the idiotic decision by the "founders" to make it a life-time appointment, saddling us with ever so many long-term horrors and idiots and churls than Ruth Bader Ginsburgs. Even those who were, in their times, peddled as great figures of American liberalism such as William O. Douglas turned into a caricature of what they were sold as being. I've slammed Oliver Wendell Holmes enough so anyone who is curious as to what I think of his ill granted repute as a liberal hero can look him up in my archive.  Term limits, ten years.  While a RBG may be great for longer than that, there aren't many of her like appointed.  She's the exception, goons and creeps and oligarchic toadies are the rule on that court.

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