Sunday, November 29, 2020

Hate Mail - I'll Stop Pointing This Out When I'm Dead Or When It Takes In The Public Mind

IT is an inescapable fact that Leonard Darwin was Charles Darwin's son who, unlike anyone who never knew Charles Darwin, talked with and heard Charles Darwin, was familiar with his thinking and actions in ways that no one who never knew the man, personally, never mind being raised by him has absolutely no authority to speak on his behalf.  

When he, repeatedly, over decades, said that his work in eugenics, promoting eugenic policies, opposing universal vaccination, etc. was him continuing his father's work with full confidence that Charles Darwin would approve of it, he speaks with an authority that the entire post-WWII regime of lies that Charles Darwin was not guilty of inspiring and approving eugenics cannot match in any way.

That Leonard Darwin was only one of four sons of Charles Darwin, not to mention others of his generation who knew Charles Darwin who were active in promoting eugenics and that not one of them ever objected to Leonard Darwin's claims about their father in that regard is as solid proof that is available in that matter is insurmountable except by ignoring it or lying about it.  That that post-WWII lie has become ubiquitous is not surprising considering the whole of natural selection is based in the construction of stories made for the purpose of being persuasive instead of a rigorous examination of dispassionately amassed and considered evidence. It has always been more a matter of salesmanship than honest appraisal, so the construction of the phony, dishonest, pantomime version or Charles Darwin was a natural for that ideological campaign.

I've been pointing this out for almost a decade, at this point and it becomes no less true the more I look at the issue, none of Darwin's defenders has been able to answer it.

The theory of natural selection is one of  if not the most dangerous of all ideological framings ever adopted by something alleged to be science.  It may be the most dangerous of all of the materialist ideologies ever devised.  It is responsible for the disastrous, irresponsible, inept and incompetent government policies in regard to this current pandemic, it is, again, getting people in large numbers killed in the United States, in Sweden and elsewhere where some of its central concepts, such as those promoted by Charles Darwin and his sons, have sway.  That total is merely added to the millions of deaths already motivated by it. I won't ever stop pointing that out. As with the anti-democratic ideological myth of "The Founders" and its malignancy in the United States under Republican-fascism, people have to face the truth of it if it's ever to be set aside.  I figure now is the time to tell the truth about it.

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