Monday, November 16, 2020

The Truth Is We May Contribute More To The Delusion Of The Trump Cult Than We Care To Believe

I am finding it a slower recovery from my recent illness than I'd expected.  The exhausting attempt by Republicans to steal the election and torpedo the Biden-Harris administration is, too.  That's the reason for the days off. To remind you, it wasn't Covid, though it had me wondering.  

And speaking of Covid as it really is, I got this from screen captures of tweets from Jodi Doering, RN, an emergency room nurse in South Dakota, from Glenn Kirschner's YouTube channel

I have a night off from the hospital. As I'm on my couch with my dog I can't help but think of the Covid patients the last few days. The ones that stick out are those who still don't believe the virus is real. The ones who scream at you for a magic medicine and that Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA. All while gasping for breath on 100% Vapoterm. They tell you there must be another reason they are sick. They call you names and ask why you have to wear all that "stuff" because they don't have COVID because it's not real. Yes. This really happens. And I can't stop thinking about it. These people really think this isn't really going to happen to them. And then they stop yelling at you when they get intubated. It's like a fucking horror movie that never ends. There's no credits that roll. You just go back and do it all over again. Which is what I will do for the next three nights. . .


The comparison of her all too terrible reality and a horror movie is apt because entertainment and make believe, appealing to fears, envy, resentment and other base human emotions in order to manipulate people in reality is the source of the delusion of the patients she describes.   That rejection of reality is what the most effective educational force in the United States has taught a dangerously large percentage of the population, it brought us several of our worst presidents, two of them in this still young century, alone and it is where these dying, suffocating fools get the source of their reality denying delusions.  It would be hard to identify when such people are in the throes of oxygen deprivation or fever dreams because TV, the movies, radio, the internet as it is typically used produce that level of delusion as a typical mindset of the many millions of the susceptible.  The moderny delusion that all of that is innocuous is a delusion that a dangerous percentage of those not deluded in line with Nurse Doering's testimony, especially those who are lawyers, judges and "justices" is as much a part of how the American People are spoon fed lies for many many, many more hours than they spend in classrooms and many more times than that which they spend in church perhaps being told something of the dangerous consequences of lying and believing in lies.  


That we can go through this horrible lesson in reality, through the experience of counting up the lie after lie after lie that led us to Trump and which, until it is changed will lead us to even worse and deny that the dangers of allowing the media to lie and to carry lies is going to destroy not only democracy but us as well proves the power of delusions peddled through clever slogans and PR campaigns.  

You will know the truth and the truth will make you free,  so it truly says in the Gospels.  And Genesis tells the tale of the origin of human evil in attractive lies being told and willfully believed.  Which both are entirely wiser and smarter than the "civil liberties" peddled lies that a country that permits that, especially in the modern mass media, is going to sink as far down as any human society ever has.  That an egalitarian democracy can either be achieved or retained while permitting the mass media to lie with impunity and in ways that will be found to make those lies self serving is the hugest of all the widely believed lies.  It is the credo of even a dangerously large proportion of those who are officially in opposition to Trump and Republican-fascism.  Especially those who have a self-interest in the media being able to get away with it.  

So, don't feel so smug about the horrible delusion of the patients of this heroic nurse because the delusion you hold may be the reason they are so deluded, to start with.   I will believe there is some glimmer of truth shining through when I hear media figures confessing the role they and their colleagues have played in this, because they are among those most responsible.  That goes for both the "news" and the "entertainment" sides of it.  Both did it to this country, the lawyers who work for them and for "civil liberties" even more so.

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