Friday, November 20, 2020

Aged, Redolent Hate Mail - Catching Up On My Delitions

IF the meat-headed liberals on the 1964 Supreme Court had not determined that it was required by the friggin' First Amendment that Democratic politicians and other Democrats who take on The Peoples' business as public servants, instead of as crooks and goons, could be lied about with impunity on FOX, ABC, CNN, NPR, in the goddamned New York Times, on Breitbart, etc.  a scumbag like Sydney Powell wouldn't dare to do what she does to try to discredit and destroy electoral democracy on behalf of the biggest, fattest goddamned liar in the history of the American presidency from the podium of the goddamned Republican-fascist National Committee.  Republicans, on whose behalf the media could predominantly be relied to lie on, had little to worry about.

It all stems from that, all of the lies that Trump used to put himself in power and all the ones he has told in office, all of the lies told on his behalf by Republican-fascists, by the freest free-press in our history - FREE FROM THE REQUIREMENT THAT THEY NOT LIE ON BEHALF OF THE BILLIONAIRES AND THEIR OWN FINANCIAL INTEREST.  

All of it is founded in lies, lies that the goddamned ACLU said were safe for us, that we could magically make them go away with magical "more speech" even as they filed amicus briefs to make the money of the billionaires and millionaires into "speech" which would swamp the pittiful little "more speech" belonging to those without billions and millions. 

It is the goddamned secular left that gave them the tools, fighting for the "rights" of pornographers - who I have no doubt were paying them to do it - valuing porn more than the need of The People to hear the truth that would free them and not the lies that would enslave them.   And I do, absolutely, believe that is based in the ideology of modernist-secularist atheism.  That there are suckers who are not atheists who go along with it is something else, such people obviously don't believe that we require the truth to be free or they diminish the power of lies crafted to appeal to the worst of our weaknesses.  I frankly doubt that the leadership of the ACLU much cared what effect their advocacy would have because it was clear from the start of it how this would turn out.  I knew as soon as I read the first article I did on the Buckley v Valeo decision.  

So you can take your ACLU and go to hell.  Like I said, they lost me for good in the Skokie case, I've despised them ever since.  You an tell Ira and Nadine that I said they were Republican-fascist tools, along with the rest of them.  They were always a fraud.  Liberals who support that fraud are some of the biggest suckers there are.  And now we can continue the count of the consequences in the quarters of millions

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