Sunday, October 4, 2020

Trump And The Senate Republicans Are Putting A Hate Group Figure On The Court

Here is a video about the regrettably former Senator Al Franken questioning Amy Coney Barrett about her repeatedly accepting money to speak to a hate group masquerading as a "freedom" group.

I don't believe her claim that she was unaware of the nature of the group she accepted money fromm,  I never believe these lawyers who claim that they were, somehow, an innocent victim of a group that spouts many of the same beliefs they do, many of the same positions, supports many of the same political figures from their political party.  I think she was lying through her teeth, I think she knew exactly who she was taking money from and why they wanted her to talk, putting words in their lawyers' mouths to use in court and on TV to push a hate agenda.  The very reason that Republican-fascists want her on the court is her use of these issues to gain power for their fascist agenda.   She will join other Republican-haters on the federal judiciary to push a hate agenda using the words of the 18th century slavery protecting Constitution to undo any and all progress made against that.  Given her extreme views of women being subjugated to men, something more out of the imagination of Margaret Atwood than I'd have thought would become a real danger, I wouldn't now hold that to be entirely in the realm of fiction.   I will point out that this is a person who Notre Dame law school has had on its faculty for a long time, elite Catholic education is a moral atrocity.  

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