Thursday, October 29, 2020

Hate Mail - The "More Speech" Crowd Shouldn't Get To Bet With Our Lives That Their Hunch Is Right

I happen to think Nadine Strossen, former president of the ACLU, professional enabler of lies and liars,  is an idiot of the kind that goes through Harvard and Harvard Law and who comes out thinking that the Nazis should have total freedom to do what we know from history they can do, lie themselves into power and murder millions of people, which is the substance of their ideology, and also to oppress, enslave, abolish the rights of and enslave virtually all of humanity in their pathological eternal Darwinist struggle for THEIR supremacy. That she does that while being the child of a Holocaust survivor proves the power of stupid ideas learned on the secular-play-left and reinforced in Ivy level universities is enormous.  I've read contemporaneous opponents of the Nazis, they were just as smart and made just as good arguments against them, maybe better in some cases, arguments than we could, that if "more speech" worked would have kept them from power.  Her shtick is disproved by history.  

If it worked here the abolitionists would have won the abolition of slavery and inequality without there being a civil war and the question of equality would have been settled, there would have been no Jim Crow, no neo-Jim Crow arising in this country right now, the most "more speeched" period in history, rising on the power of the "more speech" which is in the form of lies tailored to be an easy sell.  Why we've got a con man in the presidency.

Maybe it's her bet that it wouldn't happen here is based on her own personal belief, which I do not share, that Jews are relatively safe from it happening to them, here.   If she doesn't have that belief her putting the rights of lies and hate speech over the lives of mere mortals is explainable only as an acquired psychosis or moral depravity.   But that belief is a delusion.  There is nothing special about the United States or Americans that means that won't happen.  I know that delusion is shared by even members of minority groups for whom it most certainly has happened here,  Native Americans, Black Americans, Latinos, LGBT People.  Though there are certainly many members of those groups who have been the object of perfectly legal oppression and homicidal terror - in some cases carried out by the American government under the American Constitution, local, state and federal, and with the support of courts.  Slavery, Jim Crow, and the neo-Jim-Crow that the Supreme Court is reimposing on racial minorities- the Supreme Court always being the life-jacket of racist privilege.  And the First Amendment interpreted in the way that Nadine Strossen seems to always favor it being interpreted has, in fact, been the most useful tool of the neo-fascists on the Supreme Court in furthering us down the road of it happening here in the traditional old American way of doing it here, probably as far down that road as we have ever gotten since the Civil War. 

I think she's an idiot with a lot of personal cred invested in that idiotic faith in "more speech".  Well, there's never been more of that "more speech" and, guess what, in the age of mass media some loser lefty-liberties freak can "more speech" till their tongue gives out and the spare change "speech" of the billionaires can make it a total waste of time on their part.   If "more speech" worked we would have had no danger of having Republican fascists such as control the government and run the Court now, after more than a half a century of having these assholes say "more speech" that has obviously not worked.   

I have a rule, anyone who thinks the KKK, the other indigenous forms of what is in fact, the same thing as Nazism here must be given a "fair chance" with an "even playing field" of doing what they have done before out of some Ivy style idiotic conception of "principle" then they are too stupid, too dangerously stupid to give any attention or money to.  I suspect that the billionaires will be perfectly happy to give them money, in exchange for what billionaires give money for.  And they'll be perfectly OK with taking it.  They can make it a matter of "principle".  They teach you how to do that in the Ivy equivalent world, how to lie your way out of moral realism on "principle". 

And I could go on and on and on about the fact that for Women, it has never stopped happening.  I have mentioned before that the FBI once published figures that said an average of four women a day in the United States is killed because they're women, that women live under a gender apartheid that makes it dangerous for them to go places that are relatively safe for men to go, that they are always in danger of discrimination and exploitation.   The Nadine Strossens of the professional play-left don't seem to learn much from that either. I would bet that the ACLU "free speech" advocacy has historically had the funding of the porn industry, I'll bet that was a big part of the money-making that funded its expansion in the Ira Glasser period, I'd love to have the time to try to track down who it was who funded that. 

You have to be a real sucker to buy that big a con job.

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