Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Superficial Untelligence - Answer To An Inquiry

Duncan Black doesn't mind that his blog is a place where people can post libels about other people, he's never much minded that.  I remember when he found out that the Supreme Court had issued a ruling that said people like him can't be sued for posting lies and he figured he was off the hook to exercise any responsibility over what liars posted on his blog, it thrilled him to the point where he put finger to keyboard about it, about as much work as he does.  I wonder if it's about the same time he's rumored to have gotten a buddy of his to give him an app that let his computer post new and content free posts when the old ones got too long without him having to exert himself.   

Duncan Black is a very minor example of what's wrong with letting people lie with impunity, just as he's a very minor example of everything else.  He's a lazy jerk, you get that with the affluent, the white, the male who figure they're entitled.  If my greatest claim to fame was an unnamed reference on a very old re-run of the wretched white- pseudo-liberal fantasy, The West Wing I think I'd give up.  But, then, I don't mind trying.   

As to being called names there, there might be three to four people who make that place a bad habit who I might, might care what they think of me.  I figure they're old enough to make their own bad friends.  The rest don't think much so it doesn't matter. 

Lawdy.  I do hate The West Wing. 

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